Quote Originally Posted by Cloudman View Post
I don't get it either. Apparently Alonso doesn't have as much enthusiasm for CB as Hickman does. It's a big disappointment to see a character with such potential go to waste.

And I guess that is always going to be the problem for Brian. Captain Britain is the kind of character who really needs a specific writer to take an interest in him, in order to push him. Hickman had a passing interest in Cap and Jamie, he's been able to carry that through in his Ultimates work and the led up to Secret Wars. But I guess with the creators left on Marvel's books for ALAD Marvel he's not on their radar. He's not a character who is ever-present, or just knocking about Avengers Tower or whatever. There has to be a reason for him to be used. A pitch.

I really wish that an established British creator would come in and pitch a Captain Britain project to Marvel. One featuring Brian. Because I can't help but think that it would have to be a Neil Gaiman or a Warren Ellis kind of tier of writer for Marvel to let them do it. To let them run with it.