DC Forum Appreciation Thread rules:

1) No negative comments about the honoree of this thread. It's an appreciation thread, not a non-appreciation one.

2) No negative discussion about any competitors of the honoree of this thread (i.e. John Stewart in the Hal Jordan thread). No ifs, ands, or buts. Find another non-appreciation thread to do that, just not here.

3) No negative comments about other versions of the character. For example, if you like the DCU version of Cyborg, but hate the DCnU version (or visa versa), just appreciate the earlier version and keep your comments about the latter to yourself.


I decided to create this thread as the other wally west thread is tailored towards those interested in old school wally. This thread are for those that are interested, curious, or like Nu 52 Wally West and would like to talk about the character with like minded individuals. For those that do not like or care about the character, please do not comment in the thread.

So it seems like we're finally starting to see a transition with Wally, which is good. It kinda of reminded me of what they did with Shazam, how Shazam was changed into a more problem child format that later became a hero, it looks like they are taking that road with wally.