You know what's really sad about Super Megaforce? Even taking aside the butchering and cannibalization of Gokaiger, it is still a terrible show.

I maintain that whether or not you watch a Sentai, or how much on PR show tries to copy a Sentai, it doesn't matter on how you view the show. Wild Force and Time Force were really copies from Gaoranger and Timeranger specifically, and yet both of those series turned out fine, with Time Force being regarded as one of the best and Wild Force getting a little more love as time passes. It's ultimately on what they do with their own version that counts.

The biggest problem with Megaforce overall is that they relied on Sentai too much without throwing in their own stuff. Or, at the very least, not having their original stuff make up for it. To compound matters Megaforce was done off of TWO Sentai. If they just stuck to either Goseiger or Gokaiger instead of sticking with both, then the series might at the very best be OK (Like Samurai).

Sure Megaforce might have made a mint money wise, and the actors themselves seem to be a nice bunch of kids from seeing them behind the scenes and at Power Morphicon or the like, but the season itself is just a complete and utter travesty, hampered down by the mindset of making extremely little effort. It's no wonder that people see Megaforce as the lowest it can go.

I remain cautiously optimistic with Dino Charge. They at least are doing one thing right by removing Jonathan Tzachor.