I just finished reading "Formerly Known as the Justice League," and have pulled out the "I Can't Believe It's Not the Justice League" follow-up from the "JLA Classified" series.

And I'm ready to burn down the entire New 52 if that's what it takes to bring books like this back.

Please note that this is not a serious industry pundit's opinion. This is the opinion of a fanboy for this kind of material. Only with Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire/Rubinestein/Lappan could you have an issue which is mostly people stuck in blank rooms without their powers be that entertaining.

It's also nice that we're far enough removed from the release dates of these books (10 years ago and 9 years ago) that I've forgotten what the current continuity was at the time, so I'm not bothered by trying to remember if Maxwell Lord was evil yet or a cyborg yet or dead yet...