Quote Originally Posted by Aioros22 View Post
Black Manta has been a defining character since the 70`s with his appearances in cartoons and in one of Aquaman`s most shocking moments ever of his publishing life. He`s not that hard to write well.

Ocean Master is more obscure as a whole, but the 80`s Aquaman miniseries and Pad`s run on the title gave him enough exposure as a name even before the recent cartoons like Brave and Bold. Meanwhile, no offense, I don`t even recall who Mask is out of sheer name value alone.

You're right in that Black Manta has been pretty credible since the 70s thanks to him killing Arthur Jr. and appearing on Challenge of the Super Friends. Ocean Master, however, was regarded as a joke by some during the late 80s and early 90s until Morrison put him on the Injustice League with Luthor, Joker, and Circe.

Aquaman has some other villains that are regarded by some as "lame" such as the Human Flying Fish.