Quote Originally Posted by Prince Of Orphans View Post
I realize that, but in this case it's clearly because of outside reasons related to the movies. Does it make it any less wrong the comics are being changed to match the movies when they don't necessarily have to?
It's not necessarily an issue of whether or not they have to or not... it's more a matter of whether or not the retcon gives them a story to tell. It's why we get retcons in the first place. This stuff happens even when movies aren't a factor in the equation.

If it gives the Inhumans more stuff to work with, without adversely effecting the X books in anyway, then I don't see it as that big a deal. If it were say turning Storm or Wolverine into an Inhuman I could understand the complaints... but with Wanda, a character who was sort of retconned into Mags family in the first place, I don't think it's something to lose too much sleep over.