Quote Originally Posted by simbob4000 View Post
I've played it, it sucks. It fact everything I said before seems to hold true, to the point I'm not even sure why you tried calling me out for it....hell, they could have given every character their own set of unique combos if you just had to pay attention to screen tap timing. The game needs something more to set characters apart from one another, as it is the different characters feel like little more then different skins. And while you are play the game the characters do seem to be completely without character.
Oh wow, you came back! Lol. I didn't try to call you out on it. I did call you out on it (even if I wasn't really expecting you to still be paying attention to this topic). I'm glad you at least tried it, instead of just posting pre-Alpha footage as the basis of your argument.

There's more than one super-move, they gain more as you Rank up your hero or get higher Stars heroes. However, it's incredibly difficult to get any 3-star or 4-star heroes, to the point where you'd be a fool (or just very rich...) to even try to spend real money getting them from the "random chance" items.

That leads to a problem later in the game that many people are coming up against, where it's difficult to proceed past a certain point because it just gets too hard for 2-star heroes and you really need to start getting higher ranks or 3-star and 4-star heroes just to proceed in Quest at all. I haven't hit that wall yet, but I'm considering quitting the game just because of the repetitiveness of Quest mode so far (I have to grind certain levels over and over again to get items to proceed in Quest mode).

I've played it and I've liked it without spending real money. It's fun for quick brawls and leveling up heroes and such. But if you don't like to be online to play your games (or can't due to a bad connection, etc.), there's really no defending an online-only mobile game.

X-Com style turn-based tactics game while building your own base sounds like what another developer tried to do with Marvel Avengers Alliance Tactics... that game failed within a month or two of release. Not because it wasn't fun, though, it was... they just stopped releasing content, stopped correcting bugs, and ran the game into the ground. Apparently it wasn't generating enough revenue for them.