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Thread: The eggs

  1. #1

    Default The eggs

    Hello. Some teory about the eggs (galactus, phoenix, celestial, death...) that have been popping in the past few years on the Marvel U?

    Also a teory about the Ivory Kings: It would be cool if they are some major reality changers characters like Molecular Man, Scarlet Witch, Beyonder, Franklin Richards, Marvin Malowe, Marquis of Death, Sentry, Korvac, Legion, Chton, Mefisto, Odin, Zeus...Phoenix (always portraited as a cosmic force, but what if the Phoenix really it is just Jean Grey, or hers powers in full scale? it would explain so much...)....etc.

    The arc could also settle down the true capabilitys of those chars since it's boring to discuss witch char is more omnipotent than other (what a redundance), since obvisiously it's me ;p.

  2. #2


    I am still wondering if Ebony Kings are still a thing.

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