I haven't seen this up in any of the threads since the CBR Forum reboot. Basically, it was a good story for me, but the thing that really caught my attention was all the Batman illustrations that could have been and are worthy posters inside the panels of each issue. And years has passed and there are multiple iconic images from this comic book run. In fact, there even have been a few statues based on images in this run. To me, this was Jim Lee at his finest.

To me, besides the great illustrations by Jim Lee, the story by Jeph Loeb was fantastic and he really got into Bruce's head. Like when Bruce said, "

"If Clark wanted to, he could use his superspeed and squish me into the cement. But I know how he thinks. Even more than the Kryptonite, he's got one big weakness. Deep down, Clark's essentially a good person...and deep down, I'm not."