So, while President Obama is giving his keynote speech saying that he has a pen, and a phone? Who else should kick the door of congress in while dragging 100 Secret Service agents behind her like she's Orochi Katsumi on steroids, other than LITTLE MISS #PASSAWAY, the Alien Emissary!

"No, you dont" she tells the President.

"Then what do I have?"

" have a HULK!"

Now normally, we'd assume that she's watched too many movies. But we on Earth have learned to be very, very weary when she says anything. And true enough, whenever President Obama tries to sign anything, or call anyone? A D-10 die will appear and depending on the number it stops on? A VERSION OF THE HULK WILL APPEAR AND CAUSE CHAOS! Or solve some ridiculously difficult math problem if its Professor Hulk.

How does America change now that instead of a pen and a phone, the President HAS A HULK?