Quote Originally Posted by Herowatcher View Post
First, I don't want anyone to replace Ray Palmer as the Atom.

I'm all for diversity being added into the DCU. Have you seen the Skyrocket Appreciation thread that I keep updating? Also, making sure Black Lightning gets his dues.
That's what I like....diverse characters with identities all their own. Black Lightning, Vixen, Bumblebee, Skyrocket, Striker Z, Vibe, Amazing Man, and Fire. Just don't take away an existing character and replace him/her with an ethnic version because you feel pressure to do so. The ones I mentioned above weren't created to do that as I feel Ryan and Jaime were. I don't have a problem with an ethnic character taking up a legacy mantle when it's done right, which I think was the case with Tarantula (Catalina Flores).

I'm gay and I'm definitely not crazy about The Ray (Ray Terrill) all of a sudden being revealed as gay (or Iceman from Marvel for that matter). They felt forced too IMHO. However, I didn't have a problem with Aqualad coming out (I felt it was faintly hinted at when he was introduced in Brightest Day).

Also, I'm an advocate for diversity when it comes to team books if you notice the characters I choose whenever those "who do you want on such and such team" threads.

I hope I cleared up my stance on diversity /replacement heroes for you...peace.
No offence but I feel this is an utterly ridiculous stance to take! The DCU has always been a universe built on legacy! From the Silver Age characters replacing their Golden Age counterparts (Hal/Alan, Barry/Jay, Ray/Al, Barbara/Bette, Ted/Dan...etc) to the modern age where they themselves have been replaced for a certain period of time as well (Kyle/Hal, Wally/Barry, Ryan/Ray, Cass/Steph/Barbara, Jaime/Ted...etc). Legacy is a corner stone of the DC Universe!

Problems only arise when the successor becomes extremely popular (Kyle, Cass, Steph) or in rarer cases more popular than the predecessor (Jaime). That's when stupid fan wars start and certain fans start clinging to the silver age incarnations despite them not being the orignals either.

Tell me why is Ryan/Jaime replacing Ray/Ted any different than Ray/Ted replacing Al/Dan in the 60's? Nostalgia is one hell of a drug!

PS: It's only a matter of time until those so called"original minority" characters get legacies of their own! Vixen is already heading in that direction!