DC Forum Appreciation Thread rules:

1) No negative comments about the honoree of this thread. It's an appreciation thread, not a non-appreciation one.

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3) No negative comments about other versions of the character. For example, if you like the DCU version of Cyborg, but hate the DCnU version (or visa versa), just appreciate the earlier version and keep your comments about the latter to yourself.


The Atom in Arrow


A possible angle for an new Atom ongoing...the Unobserved Universe.

Besides the microverse the Atom with the SHADE organization should be able to go into parts of the Universe that is unobservable. There's a theory in Physics called the reciprocal perspective which says that there is a material sector and a cosmic sector. Also if you use the African saying of As above So Below and apply it to the atoms in our bodies and other solid objects you will find that the atoms in objects are a mirror of what's out their in space.
Consequently, the Atom can theoretically see the 'unobserved' Universe by being inside the micro-verse.
In the reciprocal perspective theory it says that
The material sector is our common reference frame that contains the observable and measurable structure of the universe, the cosmic sector remains unobservable and unmeasurable to our physical senses, though we can see it's effects on how time changes space. Those effects being called Force Fields (electric and magnetic fields). We cannot see a magnetic line of force until it interacts with a material object such as iron filings and alters their behavior in space.

The atom can investigate magnetic lines in the unobserved Universe which are having effects on Earth such as maybe freak storms, virus, people turning into Zombies.