It is common knowledge that Wolverine is dying and the Schism in the X-Verse is not going to be solved because of it, on the contrary it has been stated that the Schism might widen due to the Last Will & Testament of Charles Francis Xavier. It is also common knowledge that Storm is going to step up in Wolverine's shoes and lead what is known as the Gold Side or True X-Men or The Good Guys. Many would argue that the Schism should have been between Storm and whathisname in the first place, but we're getting retribution for that mistake.

In any case, now that Storm is stepping up, how is she going to rebuild the Gold Side? What sort of changes will happen at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning? What do you feel is she going to do to improve the lives of those under her care? Who will leave? Who will return? Who will feed her grapes?