just in case this flew under anyone's radar, IDW is headed back to Mars and they're fresh outta candy bars. or something.

First Born is a 4-issue mini. If you've never experienced the dark humor/horror of the original trading cards, you're missing out.

Anyway, #1 came out today and it's a bit different than what I was expecting; while the 10-issue series from last year was global in it's scope and slick with the art, this issue looks like like it's going to be more character-centered, and...I dunno? stylized? cartoonish?

the basic premise (without being spoilery) is that the Martians left behind a baby Martian during their invasion of earth and a young earth girl is taking care of it like a surrogate mother. ET style, I suppose. it's kind of a shaky premise (why would they bring a baby on a military mission?) but hey, we're talking freeze rays, giants insects, lecherous Martians, and "Destroying A Dog.". just go with it.

a good read so far. i already am worried about our main character, Clare. I definitely added it to my list, especially as it's only 4 issues. not too much of a commitment.

if you read it, let me know what you think.