Quote Originally Posted by Malachi View Post
That's the reason why you could have characters as grandiose and powerful as Thanos. Because in the end these battles where about philosophical arguments.
With abstract entities like death.

The CA scene from gauntlet is awesome because it is defiance against overwhelming odds. Thanos never treats CA as anything but a fly and that is what he is in that story. What he should be in a fight on that scale.

I think that's why Thanos needs opponents that operate in a larger scene. To not reduce him.

Which makes me think, that's exactly what Quesada did to Mary Jane. And I'd also argue that Brubaker, and I think Fraction did to Xavier And what Jason Aaron did to Thor and Odin. And the sad thing is, 90% of who Thanos was/had been developed was all Starlin up through Infinity Watch. And to be honest, that's really not that many issues to have to read through for background. So taking Thanos and making him just a mustachio twirling villain with cheesy dialogue who can be punked by the Bendis version of the GOTG is just lazy research. There plenty of other universal threats they could use.

All I can hope is there are a lot of future comics writers that were heavily invested in Game of Thrones and got upset over how piss poor the showrunners treated what had come before once they ran out of novels to adapt. Relegating characters to stereotypes, ignoring past developments, etc. Because that shit happens to comic readers all the time, and I don't think a lot of writers get that they do this. Maybe it'll at least create a few years of actual respect for the characters, but unfortunately I doubt it.