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  1. #1
    Incredible Member Castiel's Avatar
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    May 2014

    Default How would Batman react to a detective determined to unmask him and prove Gotham doesn't need him?

    Given that Batman has the James Gordon on his side and pretty much doesn't have to worry about cops that often. Has there ever been a character that challenges Batman's role in Gotham? How do you think he'd react if a new up and coming detective didn't "play ball" essentially not showing Gordon respect for the simple fact that Gordon tolerates a vigilante running around Gotham and essentially serving as a rival to Batman both often working the same case but it being a bit of a race to see who will get to the super villain and take said super villain down first. I think it would be interesting especially given how territorial Batman can be I mean he doesn't let any other super heroes operate without his approval so I can only imagine his reaction to a detective that openly challenges his presence in Gotham and is hell bent on proving Batman isn't needed. I'm pretty much talking about a character who is just strictly by the book, uncorrupted, and doesn't like Batman because he feels Gotham is too dependent on the Caped Crusader and believes Batman is too dangerous to allow to go around unchecked even thinking that one day Batman may cross the line.

    I mean I remember reading the Hush comics and seeing Batman about to kill Joker at least I think I'm remembering it right and ever since I've always thought it would be good to have a character who argues with Gordon saying "What happens when you aren't there to stop him Gordon are you willing to really take that risk? Do you really think he'd do the right thing and unmask himself because he wont unmasking himself could potentially expose his partners and he wont put them in danger so tell me would you let Batman get away with murder?" I'd love to see Gordon respond to that argument.

  2. #2
    Uncanny Member MajorHoy's Avatar
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    He'd kill the guy and erase all trace of his existence.


  3. #3
    Spectacular Member MutantMike's Avatar
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    He'd grow a beard, stay in the mansion and pout for a few years while Damian ran the who. after 2 years of sulking he would go do some mediating and training with an obscure eastern trainer, return to Gotham and fight crime in secret. Sounds kind of familiar

  4. #4
    Mighty Member Tupiaz's Avatar
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    Right behind you


    With arrogance and claim the city is his.

  5. #5
    DC Enthusiast Tony's Avatar
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    He would offer to make him Robin #7? You can never have too many Robins.

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