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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member
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    Default Teen Titans #6 *Spoilers*


    This issue was adequate. The writing was adequate (at best). The art was adequate. The get the idea.

    I really enjoyed Pfieffer's handling of Tanya. Even though she's currently just another brick, I love her attitude. I'm also curious about how PG managed to give her powers and just how/if those powers will develop differently from a Kryptonian. I'll also say that I'm actually not looking forward to her costume reveal. The design is fairly bland, in my humble opinion.

    I liked Cassie as well.

    I did not care too much about the rest of the team. Red Robin I liked the least of the team, which is a shame and I wound up hoping that either Tanya or Cassie would take over team leadership or become co-leader, the Superman to his Batman if you will.

    I also don't care much for the whole superhero as celebrity angle they're going with, something that we have seen numerous times before in other comics. I feel as if it's handled in a fairly rote way here and doesn't really provide anything fresh on the subject.

    This was only my second issue, but most of the dialogue didn't really do anything for me (in issue 5 or 6), more functional than anything.

    I actually like Hepburn's art, but it is VERY inconsistent panel-to-panel and page-to-page. If not for that I think he'd be the best artistic fit the Titans have had since the New 52 relaunch. His action has energy and his characters can be expressive but they're just sloppy at points to where it's mildly distracting.

    Also, I'm not sure who's responsible but shirtless Manchenster in that particular scenario was a horrible idea.


    The issue opens up where the last issue left off. The Titans with the aid of the new Power Girl make quick work of the schoolkids. They head back to HQ for downtime, where Tanya introduces herself before telling them they need to start getting proactive instead of resting on their laurels.

    Tim tries to tell her otherwise before Cassie cuts in to back Tanya up. The two head to Cassie's place, where Manchester pops up to make a proposition.

    Elsewhere, some Raven fans recorded an incantation she made during the opening fight and play it back with surprising results.

    Back at the STAR Labs HQ, some mystery assailants set off a nuke to get inside a vault where the baddest of the bad STAR Labs projects sit.
    end of spoilers

    I don't know what it is, but this book could definitely use a jolt in the arm. The new Power Girl should shake things up, and that's a start. Nonetheless, the book seems to lack a certain exuberance one would expect in the Teen Titans.
    Last edited by Ceebiro; 01-21-2015 at 10:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Always Rakzo
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    This was really, really good. I really like how many sub-plots Pfeifer is introducing and how well they're being handled.

  3. #3
    Mighty Member Nipower888's Avatar
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    It was an okay issue. I kinda wanted more mystery with tanya spears origin. Instead of everything being told I wished the series told it little by little. I love her already though. The issue as a whole kinda bored me. Especially when Manchester black came along. I pretty much skimmed pages after that. I hope tanya gets a solo or a joint book with Karen. Better yet since I kinda liked the dynamic between wonder girl and tanya I would like to see them in their own ongoing. Or the teen titans gets relaunched with a new writer. One that isn't as boring and focuses more on the Titans and less on the plot. i can't wait to see tanya get more powers hopefully it's a different power that powergirls. Overall I'd give it 7.5 out of ten

  4. #4
    Astonishing Member
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    Solid comics. Which is what it has been since Pfeiffer started. A mix of good mainstream story flow and a handful of innovative pseudo-modern storytelling devices and plot devices to give things its own style or flavor.

    I'm still reading.
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  5. #5
    Sector 2814 poroto678's Avatar
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    I think the artist is a perfect fit for the book. I really hate when they draw over-sexualized versions of the girls on TT.

    Also, I agree with Rakzo about the sub-plots thing. Will Pfeifer might not be as good as other writers in terms of pacing or action sequences, but he's handling the story right.
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  6. #6
    Astonishing Member Vinsanity's Avatar
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    So Manchester Black is playing the group as Red Robin is trying to play Star Labs. The issue was just okay nothing special and the politics just seemed meh.

  7. #7
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    Artwise I am stuck a little between being relieved about not having Rocaford on this issue, on the other hand the faces could do with some more work.

    Storywise, it's still a slow burn, the drug-fuelled teens were just around to get Power Girl introduced to the group... but I suspect they will appear again for a rematch. The fanclubs remain interesting, and I see Raven's getting into a lot of trouble if their response to demonic grotesqueries appearing on their doorstep is 'Cool'.

    As for the new PG... well I suppose we all know what kind of photoes Gar has on his phone of Karen, it's otherwise a little weak into, nearly text book. But I admit she does have a pair for telling Tim how to do his job.

    The big mystery/problem however is Manchester Black, how no one seems to find it odd what he is doing and how he does it... and how he just seems to sidetrack everything just by appearing on scene. I was kinda ready to see Cassandra+Mum getting sorted out... but Black derailed that nearly immediately. But hey, if he's still able to pull on people's mental strings like he could in the past, it's easy to explain (we just have to wait for it).

  8. #8
    Extraordinary Member HsssH's Avatar
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    I liked the absurdity of Manchester showing up shirtless at Cassie's door and her mom commeting on it.

  9. #9
    Fantastic Member
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    Yeah, I would have liked this issue a lot more if instead of Manchester showing up, it actually HAD been Raven, as Cassie guessed. Black's dialogue was well written, but the plot didn't need to start right up again, it could have been compressed into slightly fewer pages in my opinion. Some dialogue between Cassie and any or all of Helena, Tanya or Raven would have been a lot more interesting. Out of all the initial 5 cast members of this book, Cassie has been the least exposed so far in my opinion, Raven hasn't had that much more, and of course Tanya's just joined! I still liked it, it's just that I feel Pfeifer's Titans is always a few notches below where it could be.

  10. #10
    Mighty Member Nipower888's Avatar
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    After reading it again Id say this was a bad issue of a mediocre series. I really wish that one if them would realize that Manchester black is manipulating them and I hoped that Cassie or tanya would call him out then punch him through the window.

    I don't like the fact that tanya called out the teen titans because it was unwarranted and made her seem kinda like a bossy know it all especially since she doesn't really know much about the teen titans or about being a superhero. It just wasn't done well and that can make tanya seem unlikable which is terrible for a new character. Over the course of the first 5 issues they'd show conflict between Cassie and Tim leadership wise then something actually happens and then Cassie calls Tim out.

    I still don't feel like they are really the teen titans just a group of teen superheros that work together.

    I drop my rating for this issue from a 7.5 to a 5 out of 10. Tanya spears isn't right for this book and I hope she leaves after the eighth issue to do other things. Dc needs to relaunch this book again.

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