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  1. #76
    Extraordinary Member Bl00dwerK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maniacal View Post
    No schism, but not every mutant in the same place either so writers are forced to use a set cast, not the same cast that appears in every book.

    2 U.S. X-Men teams Gold and Blue - San Fran and NYC. One led by Cyclops, the other Storm.

    Xavier's School - Led by Shadow Cat and White Queen, security by XSE

    X-Caliber - X-men team in Europe, not tied to Captain Britain Corps or any of that baggage. - Led by Nightcrawler

    X-Factor - The answer to Uncanny Avengers led by Havok,, with mutants who were Avengers such as Cannonball, Firestar, Namor, Justice, Beast, Rogue, and Quicksilver.

    X-Force - Field ready graduated Students trained by Cable and Domino. missions based on preventing dystopic futures. Every mission resolved just begets more

    X-pendables - would be led by Wolverine. Include Gambit, Psylocke, Deadpool, Marrow, Bishop, Ink With some rotating cast
    I would read every one of those!

  2. #77
    Mighty Member shgs's Avatar
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    Generally speaking an end to Schism, but do spread the mutant teams out more, as lots of people have suggested. Not every mutant wants to be an X-Man!

    Some more actually villanous villains to fight would be nice, but please can we have a little more down time and emotional drama. Not every X-Men issue needs to have an earth-shattering, life-or-death, epic brawl (or have them poised on the edge of one), and not every plot needs to be about them preventing a catastrophe. Yes it's nice to have them show off their powers each issue, but that is literally what the Danger Room is for. Give them the occasional moment to change out of their costumes at the very least, maybe even a game of baseball?

    More specifically, I know a lot of people are sick of books where the villains are the protagonist, but I would love to hear more about the mutant utopia on Madripoor plotline, and I think a Brotherhood of Mutants book would be the perfect way to do it. It would have Magneto, with the support of inverted Sabertooth, trying to set up a viable government/council (of sorts) in Madripoor, and be full of Game of Thrones/House of Cards style political intrigue and machinations. Mystique would be a major player, of course, along with other traditional mutant power players, all with their own ulterior motives and agendas. The remnants of Hydra would be another faction, with the support of whatever humans are left on the island, and of course the X-men and SHIELD would want pieces on the board. Perhaps this is a little sophisticated for Marvel, but a man can dream...

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