Hi to everybody,
I writing this post to present this project called Lumina of Emanuele Tenderini and Linda Cavallini.

For more information look at this link: http://www.worldoflumina.com/en/

The idea is to create a "Euro-manga" series that combines the rhythms and codes of Japanese cartoons with the aesthetic quality of animations and videogames, for a project offering multiple declinations
in various media forms.
TECHNIQUE : "Hyperflat": a new, cool, fresh and hyper-realistic style invented by Emanuele Tenderini and Linda Cavallini, blending traditional design with the most innovative digital techniques

This is a preview of the comics http://issuu.com/coffeetreestudio/docs/lumina_preview

What do you think about the project?
Currently it is in crowdfunding but they need help to reach the goal.