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  1. #1
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    Default Inhuman #12 Spoilers/Discussion

    This issue wraps up the Ennilux story for this "season" of Inhuman, but the real meat of the issue comes after. Spoilers to follow.

    The NuHumans are staving off Ennilux goons when Black Bolt arrives on the scene and annihilates them in hand to hand combat (no Voice from the King this issue). Medusa* arrives on scene just in time to see Boltagon crash the Ennilux flagship into New Attilan's central tower (side note: the fireball of the ship hitting the building is brilliantly juxtaposed by the Statue of Liberty in the foreground with her torch). Medusa lands to begin overseeign damage control - and stands face-to-face with her husband for the first time in the series. Black Bolt goes over Medusa's head and accepts Iso into the city. Then he and the Queen go someplace private to have a little discussion. More on that in a bit. Xiaoyi bids a chilly farewell to Reader, who "doesn't really 'stay'" and will be leavig the city. She's still not really over the selling-her-to-Ennilux thing. And she's going to be rooming with Naja! Yay!

    Meanwhile, in the Throne Room, Black Bolt is about to have a seat when Medusa unloads on him. He left her alone to run everything, he made Inhumans feared with his bomb, he vanished without letting her know he was alive - and most importantly, he did these things without telling her. She stomps him into the floor, and tells him he can either fight her for the right to sit the throne, or leave her to her city; New Attilan, a city she built. Black Bolt destroys one of the two thrones with his tuning fork, bows to her, and flies out the window. Medusa sits on the remaining throne, crying. She kicked out her husband, and now she's all alone.

    Except she's not alone - she's being watched by Lineage, who seems quite satisfied with something he found during the battle... TO BE CONCLUDED!!


    I've kind of resigned myself to the fact that the Boltagon family won't be reunited until Attilan Rising, so this was a really good ending to the issue in that regard. Ennilux went out awful quickly, but that's most likely so that they can come back at a later date. The art was good. The colorists continue to be a highlight of this series.

    *Fashion Watch: This month Medusa is wearing a dark purple version of her normal black cowl with matching gloves and "M" belt.

  2. #2
    Incredible Member Nix Uotan's Avatar
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    Fine issue and expected that ending since its about Medusa being a leader. Black Bolt getting his own book so this allows this book to continue with Medusa. Do hope their marriage gets resolved as the two are cool as a couple.

    I am still hoping for some more weird and Kirby like world building for the Inhumans world. Like Ennilux but they just feel alien and foreign. Also, more insight into Inhuman culture. Should be weird but not weird for the sake of being weird bug hoping for much from these books.

  3. #3
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    I don't like Ennilux, hope he's gone for good (yeah, like that'll happen in a comic book). I want to see Medusa wearing all the great fashions like Jae Lee gave in the maxi-series.

  4. #4
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    I hope Ennilux stays I liked the distinction Medusa made between Attilan and New Attilan to BB.

    I'm just wondering what Lineage is up to?

    Next months is two Inhumans books. Yay! Inhuman #13 and Amazing Sider-Man and Nuhuman Special.
    "Dedra Meero is not just a woman in a men’s world, but a fascist in a world of fascists.” - Denise Gough

  5. #5
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    Ennilux will be back, but what about the Capo? They made it pretty clear that he had very little time left, and even less after using his astral form.

  6. #6
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    I think he found a host right there in Attilan. It could be anyone.
    "Dedra Meero is not just a woman in a men’s world, but a fascist in a world of fascists.” - Denise Gough

  7. #7


    Yeah, quick end to the threat.

    Is it strange that 12 issues of this book happened and yet I don't feel like any significant story has happened?

  8. #8
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    There was oodles of character development. This particular book is more about the NuHumans and Medusa adjusting to their new responsibilities than them doing superheroics or what have you. Which is probably why there's no 's' in the title, if there's any reason at all.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by ImprobableQuestion View Post
    There was oodles of character development. This particular book is more about the NuHumans and Medusa adjusting to their new responsibilities than them doing superheroics or what have you. Which is probably why there's no 's' in the title, if there's any reason at all.
    See, the Medusa confrontation and such was good, but it still kept everything in a status quo. Medusa is still the queen, and we still have so many new characters. I just would like the book to actually have a clear goal. That's kinda why I'm not loving this book and forget it comes out a lot of the time.

  10. #10
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    I can see that. I've more or less liked everything that has happened those far, but there's no real end game hinted at. In an interview, this series was once described to be like Game of Thrones. One of the things that makes A Song of Ice and Fire work is that you know something much larger is happening in the background. If the books were just about who rules Westeros, one would be confused at what all the events are leading up to, if anything at all. The existence of the White Walkers, and the hints of magic and omens, lets you know that there is a direction that things are heading towards. Inhumans could use such a thing.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by scribbleMind View Post
    I can see that. I've more or less liked everything that has happened those far, but there's no real end game hinted at. In an interview, this series was once described to be like Game of Thrones. One of the things that makes A Song of Ice and Fire work is that you know something much larger is happening in the background. If the books were just about who rules Westeros, one would be confused at what all the events are leading up to, if anything at all. The existence of the White Walkers, and the hints of magic and omens, lets you know that there is a direction that things are heading towards. Inhumans could use such a thing.
    It just feels like an uneven book. Sure, the characterization is fine, but it doesn't feel like it's going anywhere. It's strange because I enjoy the book, but always forget it's coming out. When I get my pull list, it's like "Oh right, I'm picking up this book too" every time!

    Not to mention, plot detours like "Medusa giving up the throne...and taking it back 2 issues later" just go nowhere.

  12. #12
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    That was an event tie-in, that couldn't really be helped. Sorry you feel that way though.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by ImprobableQuestion View Post
    That was an event tie-in, that couldn't really be helped. Sorry you feel that way though.
    I don't want to feel like I'm being hard on the book. I mean, I have been buying it for this long. It just doesn't feel like there is a story. And it's bizarre.

  14. #14
    Ultimate Member Fokken's Avatar
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    I never understand these complaints about "Where is this going? What's the point? What is this books direction?"

    I mean, I understand that a casual reader may get confused because this book follows multiple characters' individual arcs but.... that's life.
    Life doesn't have a clear direction. This is a wonderful exploration of various personalities as they navigate these figurative and literal life altering metamorphoses.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fokken View Post
    I never understand these complaints about "Where is this going? What's the point? What is this books direction?"

    I mean, I understand that a casual reader may get confused because this book follows multiple characters' individual arcs but.... that's life.
    Life doesn't have a clear direction. This is a wonderful exploration of various personalities as they navigate these figurative and literal life altering metamorphoses.
    Thank you, yes. I feel the same way. The "I don't get where this is going" or "what's the point?" type of complaint crops up so often on message boards in relation to so many books and it's always maddening to me. If I'm reading and enjoying a book it's because I like the characters, their interactions, and I want to know what happens next. That's what keeps me reading Inhumans. I don't know what Soule's end game is and I don't need to. And I have to say I thought it was a fairly big character moment at the end between Medusa and Black Bolt where he tries to reclaim his throne, Medusa vents her anger at his abandonment of his people and Black Bolt leaves her to rule alone. That's a big development in that there was no reconciliation between the two and Medusa stood up to Black Bolt rather than acquiesce to him and allow him to return unchallenged.

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