Quote Originally Posted by Punisher007 View Post
Yep, they've pretty much done away with all of that development and regressed her completely. Back to "banging Spider-Man but now caring who he is under the mask." And now we've got this idiotic thing about her hating/wanting revenge on Spider-Man for what happened with Spock (which only serves to make her look stupid/clueless).
Lots of people like to claim that Felicia is just a rip-off of Catwoman, but I think there is one subtle difference: while Selina works best in the 'gray' area, Felicia actually kind of works as a full on hero as she's spent more time that way (how many times has she teamed up with other heroes not just Spider-Man). If you look at her origin it hits some similar notes to Peter's

Dead father Figure

Start's out as really irrepsonsible

Has a sense of fun and power from being a costumed vigilante/criminal

Hopefully a future writer notices this and re-rails her character