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  1. #1
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Default Loosened continuity for Superman after Convergences?

    So I'm guessing ya'll saw this :

    If you didn't, it's advertising the Bizarro issue in March. It's a one shot, and they say "so for some laughs at the expense of continuity." They then say "then we're going back to our regularly scheduled doom, destruction, and death for Clark Kent." It seems DC is a bit self aware of the of how depressing it is with the character, I'll be it a bit jokingly. I didn't think much of this till I read this:

    It says "DC Comics will be keenly focused on going back-to-basics with its legendary characters, like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman." But then the bombshell was "In this new era of storytelling, story will trump continuity as we continue to empower creators to tell the best stories in the industry. "Am I dreaming or dose this sound like DC is finally growing some balls and allowing creators to really let it rip with Superman? It even seems like they're soft-booting a bit for a simpler cannon and less confining canvas to tell his stories with that "back-to-basics" comment. No the new 52 is not gone, but I don't think one story will have that pull effect on the others. We may very well get my dream of a Adventures of Superman style of story telling for the character where you're dropped in with a quick overview of the character then you do what you want.

    I think this Bizarro story is almost a road test of this "imaginary story" style that DC may be using in the future. This will allow for more stories to be "off beat" like they keep wanting. I for one know that I'll be getting issue #40 and that Bizarro book (mini I think) in support of this more free thinking style for the character. I've long thought that it's Superman's natural state. It allows his stories to just shot gun around entertain you. That's at least what I think.


  2. #2
    Ultimate Member Sacred Knight's Avatar
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    I think this is more about tone than anything else, judging from the directions of the line that we've seen announced post-Convergence. I dont' think it will be at the expense of a proper continuity though. That part of the comment I think has more to do with the idea of individual titles being allowed to do their own thing without constantly being interrupted by events. Less crossovers, in other words. I still think there will be an effort to have them mesh in general with the overall continuity of the verse though. We're not going to be getting a bunch of stories that are so independent that they can't even fit together, in other words.
    Last edited by Sacred Knight; 02-22-2015 at 03:29 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superlad93 View Post
    " It seems DC is a bit self aware of the of how depressing it is with the character, I'll be it a bit jokingly. I didn't think much of this till I read this:
    It's "albeit," not "I'll be it." Sounds similar, just like "would've" and "would of," but it's not.

    On topic, I doubt DC is going to go for continuity limited to individual storylines after Convergence. The Earth-0 continuity is still in full effect despite the loss of the New 52 brand.

    I don't much care what they do with this guy on Earth-0, as he has yet to feel like Superman. I will say, however, that Pak's work on Action has felt the closest to what I think the character should be like, including Johns' abbreviated and underwhelming run.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Superlad93 View Post
    If you didn't, it's advertising the Bizarro issue in March. It's a one shot, and they say "so for some laughs at the expense of continuity." They then say "then we're going back to our regularly scheduled doom, destruction, and death for Clark Kent." It seems DC is a bit self aware of the of how depressing it is with the character, I'll be it a bit jokingly. I didn't think much of this till I read this:
    It's called sarcasm. They're taking the piss out of people who go on about this stuff despite the comics not really backing it up.

  5. #5
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Cosmic View Post
    It's "albeit," not "I'll be it." Sounds similar, just like "would've" and "would of," but it's not.
    Thanks a lot! Didn't catch that.

    On topic, I doubt DC is going to go for continuity limited to individual storylines after Convergence. The Earth-0 continuity is still in full effect despite the loss of the New 52 brand.
    Yeah that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that it'll likely be a more relaxed feel with the continuity. I'm thinking less crossovers and more freedom to tell the stories you see fit. Maybe even the ability to cross with other earths when you see fit like Morrison did with issue 9 of Action comics (that would be really fun). I'm guessing they'll just set up a fairly fixable status quo for Superman then have each tittle do it's thing with that. This is likely why Johns came on to bring Clark back to work. I'm thinking they'll be able to bend and even break continuity to varying degrees depending on the subject in question.

    How this'll work could be very tricky depending on what the care about.

    I don't much care what they do with this guy on Earth-0, as he has yet to feel like Superman. I will say, however, that Pak's work on Action has felt the closest to what I think the character should be like, including Johns' abbreviated and underwhelming run.
    I've just recently declared myself a fan of this incarnation to be honest. Pak in the driving force/ only reason for this due to his great writing and him sticking to his guns. The way Pak got me was a slow build up if I'm honest. He started out by pushing all the right buttons. He had Morrison's T-shirt and jeans brawler, direct follow ups to the first arc, catchy sayings, great art, and big heart. But then over the next line of issues he slowly injects all of his personality into the character (Doomed sucked though) and by the end of the last arc Pak sold me not on his Superman but the idea of this new Superman.

    It's not "my Superman" but I can more than appreciate and enjoy this rendition of the character when written well. So I'd very much like to see what a more freed up Pak can do with his Superman. I'm not just talking about using Lex, Lois, and everyone else. I'm talking about him just coming in with an idea, no matter how odd, and letting it grow into a story.

  6. #6
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoneNecromancer View Post
    It's called sarcasm. They're taking the piss out of people who go on about this stuff despite the comics not really backing it up.
    Sure I can get that POV of it. I don't really agree with it though since the Superman world has been quite death and destruction filled for a bit now. Going by Pak's book alone it almost felt like his last arc was like a big exhale of all of the negativity that has been in the books (despite me saying negativity I don't mean it in a bad way. It's just the facts of what sort of subject matter the books have been dealing with). I think more of a balance will be struck going forward. Each creative team may be able to tell tonally clashing arcs as opposed to the frankly harmonized tone the books mostly have had as of late. But then again this is just speculation and for all I know DC could put out a book where Superman decides to kill in graphic detail after issue #40.

  7. #7
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Know what would be interesting? If they allowed creators to start writing for nearly any timeline. The obvious perk would be the possibility of the return of the T-shirt and jeans Superman, but another would be the possibility of tales from the far "possible" future. Like going back to Sliver age covers where you had Superman and his possible family or big headed Ultra-Superman. Not necessarily going back to those specific ideas, but the freedom of that stuff.

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