
It's still better than Punisher by leaps and bounds but this issue had a serious slip up with quality. The action and pacing were fine but the content and choices were wanting. Even the artstyle that's been consistent 'til now got far too scratchy to like as much. It's too bad 'cuz I really have supported this book. Here's the flaws I perceived:

Again with a poser cover - albeit a brilliant image.

Nat's rescuing herself from drowning -simply by pulling herself up- was such a lackluster followup to the cliffhanger.

Her goto machine gun was too convenient to find with it lazy placement.

The fight with the invisible men was not at all enjoyable in its choreography that was confusing and clumsy.

When the calvary arrived in the form of the Winter Soldier - it made me GROAN! Such a CONVOLUTED choice given his present Man On The Wall status and title.

The Chaos cast on the copter were so uninteresting as none of them had any recognition factor or decent lines to spark emotion when they unmasked.

So many pages devoted to a chopper chasing down (successfully mind you) felt so wasteful considering the distance they seemed to travel (sans Soldier supertech too).

The helicopter crash would have been more dramatic on film. And it was unnecessarily unclear if it was the old lady who innitiated the shrivelling gas or this suddenly strange bald guy. Again, no recognition tease - heck, even Nat says as much. Then her and 'Kid' Bucky survive the explosion for a dash of Die Hard trope.

And that 3 page ending was quite underwhelming as Maria calls Isaiah on the phone essentially just to chat.