Can we talk about the music that Spidey's swinging is set to on the big screen?

I believe Danny Elfman's score for the first two Spidey films was totally on par with John Williams' Star Wars work. Here's the main theme of the first film, it still takes my breath away like when I was 10 years old. It's a complicated set of non-repeating melodies, yet they are all solid and uplifting. Check out the coda, starting at 2:30. Wow.

I love jamming to that stuff on my Stratocaster.

The TASM soundtrack simply pales in comparison.

The creators involved in the TASM2 soundtrack got me really hyped for it, but it was ultimately a let down, though there were times where I thought the guitars brought it something original.

What are your hopes for the soundtracks of the upcoming Spidey films?