Hi, In this new thread i'll like to know more about the # in Instagram and all the comic book events. If you don't have Instagram, you'll be surprise how the Comic book community has evolved in this new media where we can share all the pictures of our favorite comics, drawing, cosplay and much much more! SO getting to the point, I actually know 2 events on Instagram which are #multiplecomicmonday where people share, each monday, the comics they have in multiple issues (I've seen someone with 16 Spider-Gwen!!! :O ) and 2 minute ago, which is the main reason I created this thread, #firstappearancefriday. That one is obvious.

I am asking you guys, do you know any other events? I wanted to start #variantsunday if this day isn't taken xD Do you guys participate at those events? LETS TYPE ABOUT IT!!
