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  1. #1
    Boisterously Confused
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Has anyone else missed the feel of Marvel's Phase 1 End-of-Film Teasers?

    One of the things I most enjoyed about the Phase 1 MCU films were the end-of-credits teasers. From The Incredible Hulk through Captain America: The First Avenger, they made it clear that the MCU was headed in a definite direction, that the disparate events of these films were building towards The Avengers. Even Iron Man hinted that there was more to come than that one film, or even that one film franchise. I found that this injected a heightened sense of excitement into the whole line.

    Since CA:TFA, it's felt to me like that sense of cohesive direction has been missing. CA:TWS gave us an A:AoU tease, but it's more or less stood alone. Both The Avengers and T:TDW did a prologue for Guardians of the Galaxy, but (IMO) that's felt more like a dead-end for the MCU as a unified saga. Naturally, with Marvel/Disney raking in $Billions off these franchises, I don't suggest that the MCU's about to end. I also grant that GotG represents a diversification of the MCU, as do the Netflix projects (not a bad thing).

    All that said, I'm left with two questions:
    1) Did Marvel Studios deliberately abandon this very interesting promotional tactic?
    2) If the answer to #1 is "no", does this indicate that Marvel Studios' is losing it's ability to coordinate its various projects?

  2. #2
    Dirt Wizard Goggindowner's Avatar
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    The Aether


    One thing you have to keep in mind is that in the beginning, the MCU was tiny. Each movie was, basically, leading directly into the next movie, so the post credit scenes reflected that. Now, the MCU has grown, and the natural effect of that is not every film leading directly into the one that follows it. Yes, everything is kind of going all over the place now, but we can already see just in the release schedule that everything is coming to a head again. Only this time, the event is going to be substantially larger and require substantially more build up, including various plot threads and elements all organically merging into one place (the MCU Infinity Gauntlet). I think the more "throw away" nature of the last few post credit scenes have been a result of this branching story line. For example, GoTG isn't getting a follow up for some time, but it stands basically alone in its side of the narrative. So what meaningful post credit scene could we have logically seen there? Every scene has had a tie in to the movie it is actually a part of, but nothing immediately coming down the pipe is following up directly on GoTG, so it was a throw away Howard the Duck scene.

    So I think the answer to both of your questions no. Marvel isn't intentionally abandoning these scenes, they are just playing off of where they are in the narrative. And no, it is clear by the release schedule that the coordination of these films is not being lost. It is just taking a significantly longer view now than the Phase 1 films had.
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  3. #3
    Invincible Member MindofShadow's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    The only phase II movie that was completely wasted was GoG. The other post credit scenes were a lot more subtle than the phase I but they still gave us some information.

    IM3- Banner is staying with Stark and didn't go off to South America or some random country to hide again
    Thor 2- Thor came back to Midgard to stay. So now they don't have to explain why Thor is on Earth in AoU
    Cap 2- teased us with the sceptor, hydra, and the twins. ANyting but a throw away since it directly ties into AoU
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