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  1. #1
    Wally 'Ginger' West fan
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    Along one of the Birkeland Currents that traverse the Milky Way. I forget the exact cross streets.

    Default Thunderbirds Are Go! (2015)

    Someone please tell me this is being picked up by an American station?

    The original show was a favorite of my past.
    The movie was horrible.
    This version looks fantastic. At least the trailer sure does.
    Please let this newest attempt not suck and show someplace where I can see it. :21 ....reminds me of Space 1999.
    Parental care is way exhausting. Gained insight into what my parents went through when I was a baby. Not fun, but what ya gonna do? (Read comics, obviously.)

  2. #2
    Wally 'Ginger' West fan
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    Along one of the Birkeland Currents that traverse the Milky Way. I forget the exact cross streets.


    Pros: Loved the intro, the 'birds, the 'sets'. Everything looked cool--updated tech yet very recognizable even without the numbers. John and Gordon threw me for a moment since they seem to have done a hair color swap (maybe one of Gordon's practical jokes?)

    Cons: miss 'doddering/loving' Grandma over 'assertive' Grandma. Even more than that, keenly felt the absence of Mr. (Dad) Tracy! Didn't know beforehand that he wasn't going to be in this (yet?). Parker an Lady Penelope seem to be missing something, can't put my finger on it. Maybe they'll get it back as the season progresses. Going to take me awhile to get used to a female Kayo and Brains with an Indian accent. Wish they'd made the pilot two hours long as with only an hour it was mostly just 'introducing the characters' stuff--the Hood didn't even get a chance to hypnotize anyone.

    Noted that the island is no longer much of a secret. It makes sense given global spy cameras would make them easy to track as they flew from Tracy Island to wherever, but (like with comic superhero secret identities....miss that element.

    Not a great, but a good beginning considering how much needed to be showcased for a new audience. Hope I can catch more episodes and that there will be plenty of scenes showing the family enjoying their hobbies (Virgil at the piano, Gordon swimming, Alan racing...)
    Parental care is way exhausting. Gained insight into what my parents went through when I was a baby. Not fun, but what ya gonna do? (Read comics, obviously.)

  3. #3
    Mighty Member Angilasman's Avatar
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    I think it's totally awesome that, while they've traded the puppets for CGI characters, the ships and environments are still models and miniatures!

  4. #4
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    How has everyone forgotten about the insert video button?

    I'm interesting in seeing it, although I'm not really a fan of a lot of the CGI stuff, or the lame Action Man look of many of their costumes.

  5. #5
    Wally 'Ginger' West fan
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    Along one of the Birkeland Currents that traverse the Milky Way. I forget the exact cross streets.


    Quote Originally Posted by simbob4000 View Post
    How has everyone forgotten about the insert video button?

    I'm interesting in seeing it, although I'm not really a fan of a lot of the CGI stuff, or the lame Action Man look of many of their costumes.
    I didn't forget so much...*cough* YouTube legal issues. Because nobody in my country has purchased the rights from the owners to play this here. (insert curse words)
    However the second someone in ITV decides to take a chance and make the DVD available for format territories other than PAL I am so very much going to be pre-ordering the entire series! This was one of my favorite shows back in the day and watching it again put a huge grin on my face. Booyah! (for the most part)

    Can I add that it was so uber cool watching John floating around Thunderbird 5? Yes. Yes, I can.
    Last edited by Kyer; 04-15-2015 at 07:01 PM.
    Parental care is way exhausting. Gained insight into what my parents went through when I was a baby. Not fun, but what ya gonna do? (Read comics, obviously.)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyer View Post
    I didn't forget so much...*cough* YouTube legal issues. Because nobody in my country has purchased the rights from the owners to play this here. (insert curse words)
    However the second someone in ITV decides to take a chance and make the DVD available for format territories other than PAL I am so very much going to be pre-ordering the entire series! This was one of my favorite shows back in the day and watching it again put a huge grin on my face. Booyah! (for the most part)

    Can I add that it was so uber cool watching John floating around Thunderbird 5? Yes. Yes, I can.
    You can post that trailer like this:

    Without your country having the rights to show the series.

  7. #7
    Invincible Member Kirby101's Avatar
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    ITV knows how international this show is, so I am sure they are in the process of foreign distribution deals. They would be giving up just too much money and would see massive piracy. I expect we will hear something before this first season is up IMHO. At the very least we will see it on Netflix or Amazon here.

  8. #8
    Wally 'Ginger' West fan
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    Along one of the Birkeland Currents that traverse the Milky Way. I forget the exact cross streets.


    Just saw episodes three and four and am so loving this show with only some minor quibbles.
    Going by what I found at Wikepedia to illustrate:

    Given the fact that the characters are animated, they do not have the physical limitations of the original puppets. The characters are obviously able to be shown walking and in similar activities with considerable ease. Including walking, running, jumping and Gymnastics.
    Yes, and as I noted before....glorious. Two thumbs way up.

    The original series character of Tin-Tin Kyrano has had her name changed to Tanusha "Kayo" Kyrano, due to copyright problems with the popular character Tintin from Hergé's The Adventures of Tintin.
    Are you kidding me? I have to be missing something here otherwise why aren't DC and Marvel going lawyer heads to toes over Bruce Banner and Bruce Wayne?

    The characters of Kyrano and Jeff Tracy are no longer in the series, with Jeff missing presumed dead and Kyrano's shared role of housekeeper having been taken over entirely by Grandma Tracy.
    Yeah, well, I remember both Grandma and Kyrano being sweet people. This grandma is...not so much. Also, still seriously missing Jeff. I hope he isn't permanently going to be MIA.

    John Tracy and Gordon Tracy have had their hair colours swapped. John had blonde hair in the original series and is now ginger; Gordon was ginger and is now blonde.
    This was the first thing I noticed an it is still throwing me. For a second each episode I keep wondering why Gordon is manning Thunderbird 5.

    The Tracy brothers no longer carry weapons and there is no death or violence depicted (especially from guns) due to a higher level of restrictions in children's programming, and since the show is considered by its production team to be based on saving lives and not taking them (see Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet).
    So what are they going to do when confronted with, idk, giant alligators? Not that that's likely.

    The character of Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward now has a pet dog called Sherbet, who did not appear in the original series.
    Ugly dog, but already a fun bit with Parker.

    Unlike the old series where nuclear power was used to power everything from vehicles, such as the FireFlash Airliner, to cooking appliances, the new series shows that in its vision of the future, nuclear energy is classified as dangerous and illegal with uranium mines being shut down several years prior to the start of the series.
    All for it but makes me wonder what they are using for power. (Also wish they'd shown what was in the present to The Hood in episode 4.)

    Brains' stutter is less pronounced than in the original series. He also has a darker complexion and speaks with an Indian accent. He has a robot called Max.
    Ah, robots. I wonder if this is a throwback to Fireball XL5? Also, I've noticed a couple of items marked 'XL'. heh

    Lady Penelope appears as a younger, less mature character with a normal speaking voice, rather than the slowly spoken posh drawl of the original character.
    Eh....I kind of liked the 'posh'. Also Parker in uniform. Now he just looks like a thug rather than a thug in a uniform.

    The Hood no longer has psychic powers and does not live in a temple in the jungle any more. His costume has also changed to a suit, although he will still use his disguises throughout the series.
    What is the world coming to when a super villain no longer has a super power along with flashlight eyeballs and a cool jungle hideout? I ask you. Sad. So very Sad.
    Last edited by Kyer; 04-21-2015 at 07:36 PM.
    Parental care is way exhausting. Gained insight into what my parents went through when I was a baby. Not fun, but what ya gonna do? (Read comics, obviously.)

  9. #9
    Wally 'Ginger' West fan
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    Got to see the fifth episode and hoping mightily to be able to view the sixth (I love the character of John. So nice to see him getting more to do in this modern version.)
    While I did enjoy Fireflash...have to admit that the action didn't seem as intense as it was during the original version (which I watched a clip of just after seeing the new.) Despite the added trauma inserted in the new, the old rescue attempt just seemed a tad more harrowing by comparison. Maybe it was the music?

    Love how upbeat this show was and still is. The brother's banter is a joy. Shudder to think if they had given it the 'Batman' treatment of grim and gritty.
    Parental care is way exhausting. Gained insight into what my parents went through when I was a baby. Not fun, but what ya gonna do? (Read comics, obviously.)

  10. #10
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    They're already showing episodes?

  11. #11
    Wally 'Ginger' West fan
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    Along one of the Birkeland Currents that traverse the Milky Way. I forget the exact cross streets.


    Quote Originally Posted by simbob4000 View Post
    They're already showing episodes?
    They are being shown in Britain and certain Commonwealth countries. As far as I know.

    I'm catching them by means not that...not illegal for me...maybe not totally ethical...but damn it I'm not young or getting any younger having been an avid Thunderbird fan since the original came to my neck of the woods in the 1960's and why it isn't being shown here too baffles me plus just try to stop me from buying TBG stuff once in where I can purchase it! TB was the best TV show IMHO bar Doctor Who and Babylon 5. Asking me to wait patiently is like asking a severely dehydrated person not to sip from a glass of water. I tried but found it impossible.

    ITV in effect shoved champagne into an alcholic's face. -wry grin-
    -sigh- Too damn long without a Tracy fix and that horrible movie in name only in no way helped matters. Made it worse.

    Praying an American company picks this up (like Syfi might have when it was still decent and BBCA sure as anything won't be. )

    Yeah, I totally went off here like a raving fangirl. heh. . No worries....mostly sane.

    They started airing early April and are on episode six.
    Last edited by Kyer; 05-03-2015 at 04:55 AM.
    Parental care is way exhausting. Gained insight into what my parents went through when I was a baby. Not fun, but what ya gonna do? (Read comics, obviously.)

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