Here's a question I asked a few years ago, but it's still nagging at me. I'm going to dust it off and try again!

Suppose you're Alfred Pennyworth and you want to hire some more servants for stately Wayne Manor. Perhaps you're planning to retire soon (say, within another two years) and you want to start breaking in your successor (the new butler) and a good staff to help him carry the load. Perhaps you feel more support staff is needed because Master Bruce is finally getting married and now there will be a wife -- and hopefully small children, someday -- to worry about. Perhaps something else has come up that makes some extra pairs of hands seem a necessity.

Whatever the exact reason, let's just grant for the sake of argument that you feel the need to hire more people -- and that Bruce Wayne accepts your judgment regarding that need, and says he is more than happy to leave the boring details in your capable hands. You can spend as much money as possible; you can even call in favors from some of his superhero buddies if it will help somehow. The mission statement is that you want to find full-time servants and you want them to be good people who can be trusted with such information as Batman's secret identity, and with physical access to all the interesting and dangerous stuff that's stored down in the Batcave. (They probably won't spend much time down there, but you want them to know what's in the Cave in preparation for worst-case scenarios -- and so they can take over your duties down there after you die or retire or otherwise have to cut back on your physical exertions.)

Where would you start looking for possible recruits?

What sort of ads would you run?

How would you screen the candidates to figure out if, for instance, a young woman could be trusted not to blab to her friends and relatives that her new job was "lady's maid to Batman's wife" instead of just "lady's maid to Mrs. Wayne"?