With Eternity, I liked it. It ended by mostly subverting violence, as one can expect from this series, and I really liked what it had to say. The only thing that has me in an inbetween place is the sense of lost expressed at the end. I kind of wish it was fuller, that we had more pages or panels dedicated to it, but at the same time what they managed to achieve with the space they had left was great.

I am already loving this Quantum and Woody run. Sometimes it takes a while for a writer to nail the voice of a character, to step into the skin of an established tone. There are examples at valiant, like the recent A&A run, where the writer never manages to capture what makes the characters and lore of the book he's writing so beloved, but Daniel Kibblesmith has already mastered Quantum and Woody. The tone, the conflict, the humor, the absurd Venture Brothers-esque corner of the world they live in, one could not ask for more when it comes to following a successful run. And I love the art, I think it works perfectly with the script. Quantum and Woody! makes me kind of sad because it is fresh out the gates, and we know that the future of Valiant may be bleak. I hope it gets the chance to be great. I think it has enough time to tell a good story that will cement itself in the minds of Quantum and Woody fans. I'm not sure if I can say the same for the upcoming Shadowman relaunch.