First Scene:
we get the flashback of where Tony meets with Cap to try and make amends (this is after Cap remembers being mindwiped and after Tony was inverted during Axis). Tamara, Captain Universe is a waitress at the diner and is serving them. Tony "promises" cap that there is a solution to the Incursion problem. Capt Universe gets angry and lashes out because she knows that Tony is lying- he doesn't really believe there is a solution to the incursion problem. The Avengers Machine was all a smokescreen to occupy the worlds heroes as they all tumbled to their doom. Tony escapes before Cap can really do much of anything

Second Scene:
The galactic fleet is headed towards earth and about to wax it. The Rogue planet shifts phase with the earth to protect it and Tony turns on Sol's Hammer and almost completely vaporizes the galactic fleet. Sol's hammer breaks down in the process but Tony survives as he activates his suit helmet.

Third Scene (Earth 1610):
Maker has called Fury and Hawkeye to the City to discuss the incursions. Fury is incredulous, but he meets the Cabal, they tell him they're from another universe. To further help Fury understand, City uproots itself so that Fury can witness the incusion firsthand...

Fourth Scene back to 616:
Tchalla meets with the president and basically tells him the end of the world is here and there's nothing that can be done about it. He also throws in a jab about how the world's powers let the cabal destroy Wakanda

5th Scene (1610):
-They see the incursion. Thanos tells them its 616 and "the greatest heroes you have ever seen" are there. They plan a full-out assault...

Fast forward a few hrs to the time of the final incursion and the CAbal are plotting something sinister (naturally) but it isn't quite clear. They're definitely using Fury...

meanwhile Fury rallies the troops and SHIELD gets ready for the final incursion

6th Scene (616)
-at the BAxter Building, the Illuminati and SHIELd avengers are planning whos gonna go in the life raft. They agree that Tony has become something different and he can't be trusted on the raft. And then Rogers goes to take him out.

7th Scene:
-Cap is in modified War Machine armor and confronts Tony. They have a monster brawl. Rogers basically wants Tony to admit what Captain Universe said was true- that the Avengers Machine was all a smokescreen and Tony lied about its creation. He beats down Tony,(who catches the shield in his face!) and gets him to admit that to be the case. But then tony rebuts with that he wouldnt have done it any differently. Blasts Rogers in the face and .... a helicarrier falls on them!