Quote Originally Posted by Tazirai View Post
I'm glad you pointed this out. This is the part Claremont should have left out, and luckily most writers ignored it. If she was this kick ass fighter from Jump, why make her a ninja? Lol.

The Psi-Division at Strike were BARELY field agents. At best, they were remote viewers, interrogators, etc. Slaymaster SLAUGHTERED them. If these guys were badasses, the group would have demolished dude, just by sticking together.

They had a Clairvoyant/Telepath, Kevin Mulhearn
A Telekinetic, Tom Lennox.
A Pre-cog (With full control of her powers and Moderate Telepathy) Betsy
A full-fledged Telepath, Alison Double.
Limited Range Telepath, Vicki Reppion
Minor Telepaths, all the others he killed.

Hell Slaymaster was manhandling Brian for a bit lol.
Truth! Unfortunately, CC also retconned her psychic abilities as stronger than they originally were. When she met Tessa in the Hellfire Club she used a psi-blast against Tessa. Even though Tessa reflected it back easily, originally Psylocke didn't have that ability until after Tom Lennox died and she received training under Victoria Bentley.

*Betsy KO's 8 amored goons after they overpower Brian with one psi-blast*
Brian: "How...what did you do?"
Betsy: "I've grown Brian. Victoria showed me how to use Tom's death..."

As for Humphries, he went even further and retconned her past where his version had her telepathy fully manifesting at 16 years old. Originally, she was in her early 20s by the time she developed that ability.