Chris Yost posted on Twitter yesterday that this month is approximately the 10-year-anniversary since X-23 was introduced in X-men Evolution. Just reading that made me feel old, but at the same time I think it's a great milestone. X-23 could have easily become a blatant Wolverine rip-off (see Jimmy Hudson in Ultimate for just how badly it could have gone). But since her introduction, she has become such a compelling and powerful character. She's very different from Wolverine in a number of ways. Being a teenage girl gives her a certain emotional resonance that Wolverine just doesn't have. And unlike Daken, she has been featured prominently in major X-books like All New X-men and X-Force. I think that says a lot about her appeal and with Wolverine set to die (temporarily) later this year, I think this could be the perfect opportunity for her to step up and take on Wolverine's mantle.