Quote Originally Posted by Inhuman X View Post
I use ad block and have no issues here or on most websites. It really is worth using and they have standards to allow non intrusive advertising to help support websites you frequent. I know they need to make cash to survive. It's just that when the ads overwhelm the content no one wins.
Agreed. Intrusive ads are basically worse than trolls. They're basically like someone jumping in front of you and the screen saying 'THIS SUCKS! WOULDN'T YOU RATHER BE CHECKING OUT OUR PRODUCT AT OUR SITE INSTEAD?' in a loud voice.

Or to put it another way: You know how on network TV, the closing credits for every show are squeezed down and the music drowned out so that advertisements for other shows can play? Intrusive ads are kind of like that ... except that it's not just the closing credits, it's the whole show that's treated this way.

The less we see of that intrusive sort of ad, the better. Good ads should be visible, but not intrusive or impeding one's ability to enjoy the site or forum they came there to use. The banner ads CBR runs advertising things like Alex Ross collections, conventions, and various comic book/sci-fi/fantasy/geek culture related things are all right. Those are good, non-intrusive ads that do their job without shouting over the actual content people came to see.

But pop-ups, ad videos, and such ... well, those are the things that ad block software should be used on. And as stated above, no one wins in that sort of situation. The site/forum doesn't get support from those ads since people block them and/or complain about them in threads such as this one, and the people behind the ads don't get money either since they just annoy people.

Honestly, the people behind those ads should just switch to less intrusive forms of advertising. They'll annoy less people and possibly make more money for themselves and the sites that run their ads that way.