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  1. #1

    Default New 52 reading order recommendations?

    Hello! By way of background, I never got to read comics when I was a kid, because my conservative stepfather wouldn't allow it. Now, at the ripe old age of 31, I'm finally getting into it. I've spent a few years reading a variety of one-shots (Superman For All Seasons, Red Son, All-Star Superman, among others) as well as a lot of Hellboy, but I've finally decided I want to get into reading the more regular DC stuff. I decided to get a start on New 52, but kinda let it slip for too long, and now I'm swamped with options.

    A good friend of mine is an avid collector, and has given me his entire collection to date to read through - I started with Justice League, but couldn't help but notice that it seemed to hint at there being other books I should have read in sync with them at the same time, along with little 'side issues' that were included, like the the SHAZAM tie-in.

    So, here's my dilemma - is there a reading order, or any specific issues that have a preferred reading order, in order to ensure I don't miss anything critical?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Incredible Member PyroSikTh's Avatar
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    May 2014


    In my opinion, there was definitely an over-arcing plotline throughout the New52, which was mainly carried by the Justice League title.

    Justice League is fairly contained for the first couple of volumes, but then it crosses over with Aquaman for Throne of Atlantis, which itself was a story that continually built up from #1. After that we kicked into the Trinity War build-up, which included the Shazam mini's at the end of each issue (now compiled into a trade all it's own), alongside a Justice League of America title. These (plus Flashpoint) all converged into Trinity War, which itself was a lead-in for Forever Evil and it's fairly essential tie-ins in Justice League.

    However there's a running story parallel to what's being told in Justice League which ultimately culminates in Convergence. It all started with Booster Gold going missing in the Justice League International annual, which also teased a big event in the main Justice League title (which ended up not really amounting to much). Meanwhile the Earth 2 title opened with a similar story to the first volume of Justice League, where they're attacked by Darkseid's minions, although it didn't end up quite as well for them. The Earth 2 title carried on building up to World's End. Future's End ran parallel to World's End, and the September gimmick month saw the return of Booster Gold with some tantalising teases for Convergence. Both World's End and Future's End culminated in Convergence, while Future's End continues in the new Batman Beyond title, and World's End and Convergence in the Earth 2: Society title.

    Both parallel stories have a vague relationship with one another that's not worth raving about. It's also worth mentioning that Justice League lost Hal Jordan as a member around the time the Green Lantern books kicked off with the Third Army and First Lantern stories, so there's a small reference about that, but again I wouldn't worry too much, as that's a whole other kettle of fish when it comes to tie-ins and continuity.

    This is by no means extensive, especially for the lead-up to Convergence, which has hints dotted all over the place, but it's enough to give you an idea.
    Last edited by PyroSikTh; 06-12-2015 at 09:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Sector 2814 poroto678's Avatar
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    May 2014
    Santiago, Chile


    Aquaman and Wonder Woman, best of the New 52.
    - We were the BEST, Richard. No matter what anyone thinks. - Damian Wayne.

    Green Lantern Spanish Fan Site HERE

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