Can someone explain the Rasputin arc to me?
It starts out in Rasputin #1 where Rasputin is in the middle of a multi-tiered assassination attempt by his closest friends.
Then in Rasputin #2-4 we see how he met each of these friend/assassins and get to know Rasputin's power. In each issue, we revisit the original scene where Rasputin's friends are unsuccessfully trying to assassinate him.
But finally we come to Rasputin #5 and I'm totally lost. Is the war camp scene from before the original "friend assassination" scene? Or is it from after he has survived the assassination attempt? It seems to me that it is from before. But if it is from before, then how come in Rasputin #6 they are fast-forwarding 100 years? Did they resolve the original "friend assassination" scene? Im so confused!