Hey everyone,

So I am looking to buy the collected editions for Daniel Way's Deadpool (Deadpool Vol. 2 (2008-2012)). I am looking on Amazon (Canada) to see what the titles are, and it is available in 11 collected volumes, each covering about 3-4 issues, prices at $10-15. This is how I collected the newer Deadpool Vol. 3 (2012-2015), by buying the (8) collected volumes.

However for this series, there seems to be an additional collection print: "Deadpool by Daniel Way: the Complete Collection". There are 4 volumes of this, which overall include the same 63 issues included in the 11 volumes.

Overall the 4 "Complete Collection" titles cost around 20 dollars less than the 11 volumes, however, when looking at the information on the Wikipedia page for what is included in the 11 volumes, many of the 11 books includes issues from other titles or other such special content that does not seem to be in the Complete Collection.

My question is, does anyone know/know enough to figure out if buying the 11 issues includes more content that is worth the extra money? Also generally, is it better to buy larger collected volumes but less books (so like 63 issues over 4 books) or smaller volumes over more books (63 over 11).

Thanks for your time!

Here is the wiki page for Deadpool titles, where you can scroll to the Collected Editions and look at the bullets under Deadpool Vol. 2.


As for the complete collection, only the first book mentions including anything other than the basic 63 issues, so the only extra content is: