Quote Originally Posted by Ambaryerno View Post
Frankly, Bendis seems to be obsessed with destroying the Marvel Universe rules on time travel. Exhibit B: Eva "The Walking Paradox" Bell. I mean seriously, a mutant whose ENTIRE POWER SET allows her to violate Marvel's time travel laws on a whim by altering her own reality's history?

Great, now I've got myself imagining Bendis as Professor Farnsworth screaming, "Choke on that, causality!" Someone needs to make a meme of that.
Bendis' grande designs seldom (if ever, actually) make sense. He doesn't seem to think it through or have any long game in mind. He just tosses whatever random crap is in his head onto the page, logic be damned.

The thing is, Bobby being gay but having lived in the closet all this time could be a poignant and powerful story. That has been the reality for many people. I just don't trust that Bendis has the foresight or even the technical ability to see that story through. This was just a tacky gimmick that is doomed to fall flat.

I wish Marvel would reign him in already. Give him a strict editor who knows the characters and demands plot outlines in advance to stave off some of the man's more absurd tangents. Bendis' can deliver clever dialogue sequences and genuine laughs, but he lacks follow through and cohesive plotlines.