I was Playing with my friends online in Destiny, they know I'm a huge comic guy so i get all these question about who would win in a fight or if you would mix series who would be who. And i got that yesterday with Destiny, how would the X-Men fit in those 3 Classes. So i based my answers on Classes supers, if their mutant power matches that or look similar to it. This is What i got, and feel free to add your own list or drawings if you feel like it. i should make this a Art Jam. i have to talk to some people about that.

X-Men Meets Destiny
Colossus Mimic Transonic
Frenzy Strong Guy Primal
Cable Danger Armor
Warpath Emma Frost Genesis
Rogue Caliban Namor
Bishop Cannonball Anole
Shaw M Rockslide
Beast Husk Gentle

Magneto Firestar Surge
Nate Grey Dazzler Rictor
Jean Grey Chamber Magma
Sunspot Magik Dust
Storm Polaris Cyclops
Iceman Havok Rachel
Boom Boom Hellion Quentin Quire
Sunfire Hope Xorn

Nightcrawler Shadowcat Siryn
Longshot Psylocke Deadpool
Wolverine Wolfbane Fantomex
X-23 Blink Shatterstar
Gambit Banshee Marrow
Jubilee Warbird Pixie
Domino Forge Sabertooth
Dani Moonstar Maverick Callisto