Colors by GURU-eFX

Preview Here:



After the preview pages, the fight between Namor and Torch and Ikaris continues, with Namor being Namor and some internal narration from Cap on the sidelines about everything going according to plan. Bucky leads Tanalth on a merry chase that eventually leads back to the battle, where Cap is failing his gloat roll and revealing his plan to the Supreme Intelligence. Apparently, while not being very effective against Ikaris, Torch was really irradiating the Kree soldiers (???). He gives them a final felling burst of radiation. Then Cap plants his shield in the Supreme Intelligence, revealing Tony Stark laced his shield with nannites carrying a computer super virus -- apparently specifically created for the Supreme Intelligence after Infinity.

Bucky and Tanalth burst in and Cap keeps her in check with a threat to not turn the Supreme Intelligence back on. Before she can do anything, Aarkus returns with ... Markkari, who found the God's Whisper and freed Ikaris. Apparently, the Kree choose the better part of valor, and the Invaders return to Earth where Namor is Namor and then Cap gives Torch the pep speech and recruits him to SHIELD.

Epilogue, in the Negative Zone, we see Ikaris vowing revenge on the Kree with their own weapon as he and Thena and Aarkus use the God's Whisper on Galactus!!!


Holy cow. What an ending! Wow.

Steve Pugh's art seems more confident this issue as he settles in on drawing the book. His action scenes pack plenty of impact and are freshly done. I hope he stays for YEARS on this book.

This issue was a lot of fighting and revelations -- with everything moving along. I think the four main characters each had good moments, though it was mostly from Cap's pov. Some will find it to have a bit too much exposition, but I can live with that, as I like old school comics.

My only nit this issue was Torch's radiation powers and Cap being immune to it??? Of course, maybe I just didn't know about those special powers.

And obviously nothing like what was on the cover happened, which is okay, since I'd have no idea how Robinson could have wrapped that up in one issue.

Overall, a fun issue, and a good conclusion, with some great art! Color me happy!

Did I mention, what an ending?! Wow.