This was a jam packed issue, and probably the best one of this relaunch. All the characters in classic form.
Enki beating the snot out of the junkie who robbed Christian was intense. I know the media is very focused on police brutality these days, and with good reason, but the political incorrectness of the whole scene made it all the funnier. While on police controversies, this issue showed some untrained cops who get itchy trigger fingers the moment things get even remotely tense, who escalated the situation and ruined the crime scene. I get the impression Bendis is fairly conservative from a lot of his Avengers comics written during the Iraq war, but feel that he shows equal sides to issues and doesn't come off too preachy. This issue highlights where he feels cops should and shouldn't be allowed to work around the law. Cops can smack around pieces of trash in back rooms when they are particularly sick individuals, but they can't just open fire in the streets and brush it off.
Also, we learned that the killer is someone who views himself as a vigilante, and got a better idea what is even going on in this case. I still feel like the brainiac who killed himself isn't really dead and has actually achieved the singularity like he warned he would.
end of spoilers