Quote Originally Posted by phantom1592 View Post
I cut her some serious slack. First of all, It's her job to get rid of the orphaned kids and get them in good homes. So I can't fault her for doing her job. Secondly, It was at least implied (don't have the book in front of me) that he's run this rodeo before. He's been in and out of homes and actively tries to sabotage her doing her job. They're old adversaries working against each other... So yeah... she may be unpleasant and not very nice... I also got the feeling she was at the end of her rope there. Not 'evil' at all.
I don't think she's evil and she's probably at the end of her rope, but working in that system you're an inevitably going to encounter some kids with issues, like Ascended said. Stooping to their level and insulting them isn't going to help the situation. Considering Billy's distrustful attitude towards adults, you have to wonder how much of it came from interacting with her. We also see him trying to rescue a young girl who gets beaten by her foster family, so how much trust is Billy going to have towards adults in the system who allow things like that to happen to him and others? How many such homes did she put him in? She seems eager to say everything is his fault for things not working out, but that may not be the case.