Black Knight is one of my all time favorites, specifically from the Harras/Epting Avengers and Ultraverse time frame. He was developed from a milquetoast into a competent field leader and dynamic character. Not a lot of worthwhile development since then, but his involvement in a series will garuntee a look from me. I don't like the return to the addiction elements of his story, but addicts relapse I suppose, so I will give it a shot. Also to the poster pointing out Walter White is the villain in Breaking Bad, well, yeah. Every villain is the hero of their own story as the saying goes. And Tieri is pretty synonymous with the use of villains as his protagonists, so I imagine we will be seeing Dane in some very dark places and very different light. I mean an alternate Dane was the big bad of the entire Gatherers arc of the Avengers, so we know he has it in him.