Quote Originally Posted by Vakanai View Post
Yes really. I mean, you might have a point with the stock footage, I always found that inexcusable, but otherwise they still put effort into making it an enjoyable movie for kids I think. The stories were dumb, but you could follow the logic without too many plot holes. With Godzilla vs Kong, I felt the whole plot was just one big hole. Like, the movies for kids didn't feel like they were dumbed down to the same extent that this movie was. The only thing GvK has going for it, literally the only single thing, is the special effects. Godzilla and Kong have never looked better, have never fought better, have never been in better sets. But that's all just the CGI. Take away that, and...there's nothing left.
I can't totally agree. I don't get how GvK was dumbed down anymore than any of the movies from Sea Monster to Megalon. I'm not saying GvK's plot or characters were great, but I never felt insulted or annoyed like when I watched Revenge or Hedorah or Gigan