I found KotM to be very disappointing.

One of my biggest problems was the degree to which all the monsters are reduced to pawns of the humans. This would be enough of an issue on its own terms. But the human cast is across the board uninteresting, unlikeable, and underwritten. In the 2014 film, we spend a ton of time with the humans, but it isn't their story. They aren't driving the story, they're surviving it. But in KotM, it's the humans' story, and the kaiju are there to support it. The plot is excessively elaborate and less than compelling. The only likeable ones of the human cast are the two scientists from the previous movie, and they both get killed off. It doesn't build confidence for the subsequent movies.

We get a lot more kaiju screen time, yes, but its also so clumsily done. Most of it, the film can't seem to decide whether the focus of the scene is meant to be on the people or the kaiju, so it ends up doing neither well. I'm especially thinking of Ghidorah in Antartica. In the 2014 film, most of the time they decided the focus was to be on the people; it functioned to explore a different dimension of the consequence of the kaiju encounters. The scenes when the focus on the kaiju in that movie, though sparse, had a sense of majesty and weight to them. KotM wants to have it's cake and eat it too, leaving most of the kaiju scenes muddled, unfocused, and underwhelming.

There's never and suspense, either. Think of the Oxygen Destroyer scene; the existence of that weapon is established about two minutes before it goes off, and the film moves on from contemplating it minutes after.

The only well executed kaiju scene was the big, finale fight between Godzilla and Ghidorah in Boston. That was great. And throughout the movie, the monsters consistently look great, even when the scenes aren't exactly beautifully framed.