I was re-reading Superman Beyond #1 from Final Crisis and I was having trouble understanding the concepts introduced.
In an interview, Grant Morrison reveals that the Overvoid Monitor refers to a white page, which is essentially God. The Overvoid Monitor is most fully content until it notices a flaw inside of itself. Then, the Monitor extends a probe to ascertain the nature of the problem. The Monitor has no understanding for the concept "story" and the probe withdraws.

Then, the story states that "the flaw is sealed, scabbed over, with divine metals." and Cosmic Armor Superman is shown. In the interview, Grant Morrison states that:

It then tries to protect itself from the seething contact with 'story' and imagines a race of beings, 'angels' or 'monitors' (another word for angel, of course) to function as an interface between its own giant eternal magnificence and this tiny, weird crawling anthill of life and significance that is the DC Multiverse.
My questions in relation to these are, how do the monitors relate to the concept of the Overvoid Monitor and what is their inherent function? Also, how does Cosmic Armor Superman actually is able to seal the flaw in the Overvoid Monitor? How is he able to help the Monitor comprehend the concept "story"?

In fact, it seems further in the comic book that the monitors actually worship Cosmic Armor Superman and I am confused as to why this is the case.