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  1. #1
    Extraordinary Member Factor's Avatar
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    May 2014

    Lightbulb If you could choose your own INHUMAN "Blue & Gold" teams?

    **** DISCLAIMER: This is not a Inhuman vs X-men thread. It's just a fun exercise in creating dream teams. Please keep IvX drama to other threads

    Out of RessurrXion, Marvel will cash in on one of the most popular periods in X-men history: the Blue and Gold era. They'll have two new Blue and Gold teams that have little to do with the original versions, but it got me thinking..
    What would be the Inhuman version to the original B&G concept be?
    Essentially, it was about splitting a pretty large group of characters into 2 books that had more or less equal potential.

    Each team got 2 of the 4 most popular X-characters (Storm, Jean, Cyclops and Wolverine) and the line-ups were completed with other proeminent members at the time.
    I think Inhumans could really use something like that. Sure, they will have 2 new team books after RessurrXion, but one is the clear flagship (Royals) and got most of the maintays, while the other could struggle just like All-New Inhumans did (Ms. Marvel isn't a big draw if she's appearing in her solo and Champions already).

    With that in mind, it got me thinking that if Marvel actually split the 4 most popular Inhumans (Medusa, Black Bolt, Karnak and Crystal) into 2 teams, they'd have bigger chances of success. (I didn't include Kamala for the above reason).

    My idea would be:

    Have Medusa and Crystal in one book, focusing on Attilan politics and helping Nuhumans around the globe and Black Bolt and Karnak leading a more "on the ground" team, going on field missions and ensuring Inhumanity's survival.

    I'd call the teams Black and Silver.

    INHUMANS: SILVER: The "Royals" book. Focusing on Attilan society and its impact on Inhumans around the world.
    Medusa - Queen and team leader
    Crystal - Ambassador to the Inhumans
    Gorgon - Chief of Security
    Iso - The lead scientist
    Flint - The "rookie"
    Triton - The more conservative counterpart to the new additions.

    INHUMANS: BLACK: A lot less public than Silver and more willing to get their hands dirty to protect Inhumanity as a whole.
    Black Bolt - Renegade King trying to protect his people
    Karnak - Advisor and second in command
    Nur and Auran - The detectives/law enforcement
    Reader - wildcard/powerhouse
    Naja - stealth/rookie

    + both books would feature appearances from characters like Maximus or other new Inhumans.

    What would you guys do?

  2. #2
    Mighty Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    I like this idea and I like the teams roster for each, I always felt that this was the direction that Marvel should have taken once Black Boly was off the throne ,have Black Bolt and Medusa lead to separate teams.

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