View Poll Results: Do you think Miles Morales NEEDS to be 'THE' Spider-Man in the Marvel Comics main universe?

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  • Yes, Miles is 'THE' Spider-Man, why they don't kill Peter or send him to China while they are at it?

    8 19.51%
  • No, I'd rather see Miles developing his own alter ego and mythology like Spider-Gwen or Silk.

    33 80.49%
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  1. #1
    Mighty Member ijacksparrow's Avatar
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    Default Do you think Miles Morales NEEDS to be 'THE' Spider-Man in the Marvel Comics main universe?

    Okay, I need to talk about this because it's truly pissing me off. After OMD, I was pissed. Ultimate Spider-Man comics brought me back from my comic book reading retirement, something I did because of how insanely lame the Clone Saga was back in the day. I only came back reading Amazing Spider-Man years after I was deep into reading Ultimate Spider-Man, which it wasn't perfect, but at least it was freed from the whole Clone Saga mess. After OMD, I didn't give Brand New Day a shot, because I was just too pissed to check that out, so I've got my Spider-Man fix out of Ultimate Spider-Man comics. Then, the death of Ultimate Spider-Man happened, and I was orphan of a Spider-Man title once again.

    When Miles Morales took over the Ultimate Spider-Man book, I was long gone. Then I gave Dan Slott's Spider-Island a shot and I was in love. The plot, the action, the heart and yeah, even Humberto Ramos art, which isn't the cup of tea for some, but he fastly became one of my favorites modern Spider-Man artists. I tracked back the backissues from Amazing Spider-Man and now I'm a firm believer that Dan Slott needs to keep writing Spider-Man until the day he dies, and that needs to be after I'm gone. In Dan I trust, and since I discovered how much heart his Spider-Man stories had, I never flinched, never second guessed. Not with Superior Spider-Man, not with this new playboy thing that is coming with the ANAD books. Am I sold to the idea of Peter Parker as the new Tony Stark? No, I'm not, but Dan Slott has earned my trust enough to follow him no matter what.

    Once Secret Wars was announced, I was stoked like my inner 4 years old when my parents gave me my Secret Wars comics back in the day, always with a new action figure from the main characters in Marvel's first event. Now, I'm completely jaded. I used to buy 12 to 15 Marvel books monthly: Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, Avengers, New Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, Daredevil, Thor, Captain America, Spider-Gwen, Ms. Marvel, Deadpool, Silk, Hawkeye, Superior Iron Man and Rocket Raccoon, and I was expecting to see Marvel following DC on what they actually did right with the New 52: go back to the basics and make their main and most known superheroes shine.

    Then we heard that Secret Wars was going to be about the 616 Universe and the Ultimate Universe incursion, and then it was clear to me: all this fuzz was being made and Marvel's endgame is basically bring Miles Morales to the main universe, which I'm quite okay with. Not very differently than Miles, I'm also latino, my father was black and my mom is white, and my skin tone is closer to Miles than it's from Peter. I don't get Miles appeal because I don't see representation as something so superficial as the color of a character's skin. I understand though that kind of representation is important, but what kind of message Marvel is trying to send it here, anyway? If I was a teenager with spider powers in the Marvel Universe, I wouldn't want to be Spider-Man, because that name is already taken. I can't understand why not call Spider-Gwen Spider-Man either, or call it Scarlet Spider Spider-Man either. Spider-Man 2099 and Miles Morales worked as a concept on their own bubbles and alternate versions of the Marvel Universe, but is it really neccessary to market Miles Morales as THE Marvel Universe Spider-Man?

    Here's Art Adams Avengers cover, released today:

    The problem I have with Miles Morales taking over the spotlight as THE Spider-Man is because I feel it takes away of the meaning of who Spider-Man is. Nobody cares if Peter Parker is white, black, albino, indian or asian, he's Spider-Man. He's not a symbol like Batman or Captain America, he's ALL of us. Besides, how long has Marvel been trying to make this character fly? The book was relaunched several times, and if we look at the sales of last April, here's what we get:

    11 Spider-Gwen 3 $3.99 Marvel 102,234
    12 Amazing Spider-Man 17 $3.99 Marvel 99,964
    18 Amazing Spider-Man 17.1 $3.99 Marvel 68,907
    24 Silk 3 $3.99 Marvel 58,755
    92 Ms Marvel 14 $2.99 Marvel 32,058
    93 Spider-Woman 6 $3.99 Marvel 32,041
    97 Spider-Man 2099 11 $3.99 Marvel 31,665
    103 Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man 12 $3.99 Marvel 29,318

    I'm not making this up, Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man was the least selling book from ALL the Spider-Man titles, INCLUDING Spider-Man 2099. Not even ONE THIRD than the Amazing Spider-Man book, and I'm not even counting the .1 issue.

    So my question to Marvel is: how long until you realize that the reason Spider-Gwen happened is because people thought she was a COOL and INNOVATIVE concept of a Spider-Man satellite book, and the same goes for Silk? Spider-Gwen is a popular phenomenon because people actually DEMAND her books, not because Marvel wants to please Brian Michael Bendis. Don't get me wrong, I want to like Miles Morales, but as long as Brian Michael Bendis is the guy running the book AND they don't give him his own damn alter ego, that's simply impossible to me. Spider-Man is Peter Parker. Spider-Gwen is actually Spider-WOMAN in her universe, but since Spider-GWEN is so damn popular, that got to become the title of the book.

    I'm just tired of seeing Marvel pushing so hard a character that after four years, it's still just Ultimate Peter Parker with a different name and a darker skin tone. As long as Marvel keep pushing Miles Morales as Spider-Man, the character won't be able to grow. As long as Brian Michael Bendis is the one steering the boat, it's clear to me that Miles Morales will keep being just a carbon copy of Ultimate Peter Parker. Do you want to impress me, Marvel? Do you want to do something truly "all-new, all-different" with Miles Morales and make me and more people BUY Miles Morales stories? If your uptenth tentative of making this book fly once again fails, here are some ideas:

    1. Give the creative reigns of Miles Morales to an actual black writer, one that can infuse into Miles Morales some trace of his own personality, instead of being Peter Parker but black. Ronald Wilberly comes to mind, and I hope to god that you guys aren't boycottying him because of this short story, because I can identify myself a LOT more with his own short story than anything regarding race that you've ever attempted.
    2. Give Miles Morales his own goddamn Spider-Name. Here are some tips: Webhead, Tarantula, Arachnid.

    Then we talk.

    Sorry for the bluntness, but I needed to get this out of my chest. How about you, would you be more welcoming to Miles Morales if instead of becoming 'THE' Spider-Man like he's being marketed, Marvel made the effort to integrate Miles and infuse him with his own personality and mythos? Wouldn't be cooler if Miles could have his own Spider alter ego, instead of having two Spider-Men running around?
    Last edited by ijacksparrow; 09-15-2015 at 04:05 AM.

  2. #2


    I don't think Miles is THE Spider-Man, but Marvel send Peter to China, África, Europe and another countries anyway.

  3. #3
    Mighty Member ijacksparrow's Avatar
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    And if Spider-Man fans need any palpable reason other than the fact that Marvel is pushing Miles down their throats as "THE" Spider-Man to hate what they are doing, articles like this should do the job:

    Why Having Peter Parker as Spider-man in the MCU is a Good Thing for Miles Morales

    Of course, As we know Tom Holland will be playing Peter Parker. An excellent choice. But with the growing popularity of Miles Morales it will be harder for MCU to ignore Morales. After the Secret Wars comic Miles Morales is the main Spiderman and a fully fledged member of the Avengers. A move that justifies his ever growing popularity. Which goes back to my original point that MCU and Sony played safe. Also Marvel and Sony made Parker a young man. Which is a calculative move by Sony. The longer they have Parker onscreen the longer it will take for Morales to be in the MCU.

    Of course, Parker needs to exist first before Morales comes in. I hope that we see Morales after Civil War. As we see in Avengers Age of Ultron no one is safe from being killed off. Maybe Parker will die in his solo movie in 2017 and Morales takes over (hopefully).
    That's Brian Michael Bendis legacy to the Spider-Man mythos. Not his quippy dialog with characters repeating the same words over and over again. Not yet another Spider-Man clone. In name of diversity, Brian Michael Bendis turned Spider-Man "the white guy", the guy that's not cool enough to use his own alter ego, the guy that some people wish it'd go away so Miles Morales "ever growing popularity" could shine. The thing is though, whatever this so-called popularity is, it hasn't translated into comic book sales if the constant relaunches taught us anything. Reading people talking down Peter like this makes my blood boil because Peter Parker to me is Spider-Man. So forgive me if I'm not lenient or welcoming to a character that exists only to create a divisiness that wasn't there before. Before Miles Morales, ANYONE could be Peter Parker. Now, some hipster "fans" want to throw Peter Parker under the bus so they can get Miles Morales, who is nothing but a Peter Parker wannabe. Hopefully, the answer from the sales will once again speak loud and clear: Peter Parker is Spider-Man. He doesn't need to die or get replaced by another character in name of diversity. True diversity would be give Miles Morales his own mythos and alter ego, not keep leeching on Spider-Man's mythology and using the Spider-Man name as a crutch.
    Last edited by ijacksparrow; 09-15-2015 at 03:01 AM.

  4. #4
    Incredible Member RedQueen's Avatar
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    It doesn't seem Peter is gonna be active with the Avengers at all or any team books.

    Kind of makes sense with the new Status Quo he's giving Peter, though it's kind of Tony Stark-lite. Ironic considering MJ is gonna be hanging with Tony from now on.

    But yeah it seems Slott is making a little corner for his storyline with Peter so Miles takes over because it doesn't seem Peter will be as active anymore cause he's got a company to run.

  5. #5
    Mighty Member ijacksparrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedQueen View Post
    It doesn't seem Peter is gonna be active with the Avengers at all or any team books.

    Kind of makes sense with the new Status Quo he's giving Peter, though it's kind of Tony Stark-lite. Ironic considering MJ is gonna be hanging with Tony from now on.

    But yeah it seems Slott is making a little corner for his storyline with Peter so Miles takes over because it doesn't seem Peter will be as active anymore cause he's got a company to run.
    Which is why I'm hoping not a single ONE Spider-Man fan buys Miles Morales comics. Marvel seem hellbent on making this character happen, even though the comic sales clear don't support that action. I'm reading the comments on the article I've linked above and one of the posters - a mixed race dude just like me - is SHREDDING the argument of the article. It's a true beauty to see.

    Andy Taylor AugustusAugust 25th, 2015
    No it's a fact. As for Peter stepping down for second rate, won't happen. Peter is a ICON, Miles is a imitation. Might as well be a clone. This whole page is your opinion and the only one who is trolling is you. Peter's doesn't need to go, Miles just needs his own super hero identity.
    Hopefully one day Marvel will get the message: we don't WANT another Spider-Man. If you have stories to tell with Miles Morales, create his own identity, mythology and alter ego. Make him a satellite book for the Amazing Spider-Man, but understand that: there's just ONE Spider-Man.
    Last edited by ijacksparrow; 09-15-2015 at 03:34 AM.

  6. #6
    Incredible Member Spider-Tron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zauri View Post
    I don't get Miles appeal because I don't see representation as something so superficial as the color of a character's skin.
    Completely agreed with everything you said and this point sticks out to me the most. When Peter was killed off and Miles was announced as the new Ultimate Spider-Man in USA Today only one thing was announced about the character. It was his skin color. This felt really cheap and the fact that Marvel killed Ultimate Peter off just to do this was a real kick in the balls to long time Peter fans.

    And now the fact they're trying to have him replace my favorite long standing character? Ridiculous. Give him his own thing. He doesn't have to be Spider-Man. He would be far more interesting.

  7. #7
    Astonishing Member Xalfrea's Avatar
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    Except that...and I think this is key...

    616. Peter Parker. Is. Not. Dead. He's still around, so why do you all act like that he's dead?

  8. #8


    I love Spider-Man, but they could kill 616 Spidey again and leave Miles the only one and I wouldn't mind. I found the dynamic he had in the Ultimate verse really interesting and there's loads of tales to be told with Miles as the lead.

  9. #9
    Incredible Member Highland Chicken's Avatar
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    I don't like Miles, but I had no problem with him when he was in his own universe, I really don't like the fact they're making him a legacy hero for two Peter Parkers. That being said, Peter isn't going anywhere, Marvel is simply having their cake and eating it too. Miles is there for good PR, Peter is there for the sales. They obviously are paying attention to the sales otherwise Miles would be the one with two ongoings, a shared ongoing with Deadpool, be a member of the uncanny avengers and have a major role in 2099.

  10. #10
    Mighty Member ijacksparrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xalfrea View Post
    Except that...and I think this is key...

    616. Peter Parker. Is. Not. Dead. He's still around, so why do you all act like that he's dead?
    The problem is that we don't have two Captain Americas, two Iron Men, two Wolverines. It's about reclaiming Peter Parker's identity. Miles Morales is a leech on Spider-Man's mythos, and it's clear from the reaction of the mainstream that it did way more harm than good. We are not talking about Peter being dead, we are talking about how some pseudo "fans" of Spider-Man wishing that Peter Parker would die in the MCU so Miles Morales could show up. As long as Miles Morales keep using Spider-Man's name, this kind of unneeded divide between Spider-Man real fans and the hipsters that care only about a character's skin color will keep going. Miles Morales is literally the WORST and the most DAMAGING thing to happen to the Spider-Man mythos bar none, worst even than the clone saga. Why? Because it made the character Peter Parker less special. It made some people that don't even read comics think it'd be cooler to see Peter Parker die in order to Miles Morales to take over.

    PETER PARKER IS NOT UNCLE BEN. He's not a plot device or a character to be replaced by the new flavor of the week. We are talking about one of the most popular and beloved fictional characters out there of all time, and it runs way deeper than the color of his skin. Actually, before this travesty that is known as Miles Morales, the fact that he's black or white was meaningless to everyone, because anyone could be Spider-Man. Using the fact that Donald Glover campaigned to become Spider-Man as an excuse to create Miles was the worst thing that Marvel did through all their history, it's a curse disguised as a blessing. I trust Dan Slott with his new run, but I don't want Peter to lose the every man feel of him in favor of Miles Morales. That would be the same thing of killing him off. Peter doesn't need a replacement, neither anyone else needs to be Spider-Man. Marvel and Bendis say that it's about representation, but hell is full of good intentions, and if they take a look around, they'd realize that Miles Morales is HURTING the brand of Spider-Man, not helping it. The fact that Miles Morales book kept getting relaunched after sales getting lower and lower should give them a hint: the majority of the Spider-Man fans don't like the character, especially because it's clear that the character never took off Spider-Man's shadow. It's weird how even a clone of Spider-Man, Kaine, has more of his own distinct personality and M.O. than Miles.

    Spider-Man fans, true Spider-Man fans should be aware that in social media, outside the comic book circle and among people that don't read or pay for their comics, Morales is indeed popular. And by popular I mean these people wish Peter would die or go away so Miles Morales could step in. This simply isn't healthy for Spider-Man brand, and if the low sales aren't enough indicator for Marvel to get that, maybe it's time for Spider-Man fans start becoming vocal about this. Miles Morales isn't Spider-Man, regardless how hard Marvel try, regardless how much his title can enjoy a bump for using Spider-Man's name as crutch and a fresh #1. As long as Marvel keep insisting on this wannabe, Spider-Man fans should speak up.
    Last edited by ijacksparrow; 09-15-2015 at 05:46 AM.

  11. #11
    Genesis of A Nemesis KOSLOX's Avatar
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    Four years later and still whining about Miles Morales. Like clockwork. Tick. Tock.
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  12. #12
    Astonishing Member CrimsonEchidna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xalfrea View Post
    Except that...and I think this is key...

    616. Peter Parker. Is. Not. Dead. He's still around, so why do you all act like that he's dead?
    This is the Spider-Man version of that giant-ass Persecution Complex Thread in the X-Forums. "Peter Parker is being marginalized" even though he's being featured prominently in four on-goings.
    The artist formerly known as OrpheusTelos.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zauri View Post
    Do you want to do something truly "all-new, all-different" with Miles Morales and make me and more people BUY Miles Morales stories? If your uptenth tentative of making this book fly once again fails, here are some ideas:

    1. Give the creative reigns of Miles Morales to an actual black writer, one that can infuse into Miles Morales some trace of his own personality, instead of being Peter Parker but black. Ronald Wilberly comes to mind, and I hope to god that you guys aren't boycottying him because of this short story, because I can identify myself a LOT more with his own short story than anything regarding race that you've ever attempted.
    2. Give Miles Morales his own goddamn Spider-Name. Here are some tips: Webhead, Tarantula, Arachnid.

    Then we talk.

    Sorry for the bluntness, but I needed to get this out of my chest. How about you, would you be more welcoming to Miles Morales if instead of becoming 'THE' Spider-Man like he's being marketed, Marvel made the effort to integrate Miles and infuse him with his own personality and mythos? Wouldn't be cooler if Miles could have his own Spider alter ego, instead of having two Spider-Men running around?
    1. Seeing as Bendis created Miles and has built a devoted fan following for Miles, he deserves to keep telling stories with Miles for as long as he wants to. And does the fact that Wilberly is black automatically make him an ideal candidate to write Miles? No. Miles is not simply an agenda on race. He's a character who happens to be certain ethnicity and Bendis knows that character, and his supporting cast, inside and out. If you approve of Wilberly's thoughts on race in comics, fine. But that doesn't mean he's going to have what it takes to write an entertaining book and, in the end, that's the only thing that matters. Also, kicking a proven talent off the character he created - and that he continues to invest much obvious passion in - in favor of someone just because of their skin color would be colossally wrong-headed. On a personal level, on a business level and on a moral level.

    2. Part of the appeal of Miles coming to the MU and keeping the Spider-Man name is that he isn't automatically relegated to being a second banana Spidey or a kid sidekick. He's Spider-Man. Period. And while having two Spider-Men might seem like a problem to some fans, for most it's not going to be any big deal. I mean, really, so what?

    Clearly there's no going to be a lot of stepping on each other's toes. Peter has a bigger, broader role in the MU and Miles will be more street level. Sounds ideal to me. And Miles isn't being promoted as THE Spider-Man any more than Peter is. No one's being pushed aside. There's plenty of room in the MU for both these characters to thrive. And your code name suggestions, by the way, are not good. Sticking with "Spider-Man" is the far better move.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedQueen View Post
    It doesn't seem Peter is gonna be active with the Avengers at all or any team books.
    He's on Uncanny Avengers.

    Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonEchidna View Post
    This is the Spider-Man version of that giant-ass Persecution Complex Thread in the X-Forums. "Peter Parker is being marginalized" even though he's being featured prominently in four on-goings.

  14. #14
    Not a Newbie Member JBatmanFan05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zauri View Post
    Hopefully one day Marvel will get the message: we don't WANT another Spider-Man. If you have stories to tell with Miles Morales, create his own identity, mythology and alter ego. Make him a satellite book for the Amazing Spider-Man, but understand that: there's just ONE Spider-Man.
    Yes indeed. Miles has potential, he shouldn't be stuck trying to replace or share a comic book icon's role. He should be his own different character.
    Things I love: Batman, Superman, AEW, old films, Lovecraft

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  15. #15
    Mighty Member ijacksparrow's Avatar
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    Not really whining, but hoping to find fellow Spider-Man fans to start becoming vocal about this. Miles Morales, unlike Silk, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man 2009 and Scarlet Spider, it's counter-productive and harmful to Spider-Man's brand. Those characters that I've named didn't came to replace Spider-Man, but to add to the mythos. Miles Morales in the other hand is a black kid, written by a very white dude and drawn by a very white lady, with no grasp whatsoever of what makes characters like him tick. If Bendis actually knew what he was doing with Miles, he'd have experienced the same kind of success that Spider-Gwen is having. Spider-Gwen will last if Marvel play their cards right, because there's a genuine interest on the character, and the sales tell that story, not me.

    Spider-Man is Peter Parker. I believe that Peter Parker can be white, black, latino, albino, eskimo, indian, chinese, but what matters is that Spider-Man is Peter Parker. Marvel must realize that the Spider-Man fans aren't happy with Peter Parker being sidelined, and I feel it's about time to take the gloves off and start criticizing Miles Morales for what the character truly is: a rip off. A poorly engineered rip off that hasn't been allowed to grow outside Spider-Man's shadow. What I'm hoping is that since the declining sales of Miles Morales books aren't enough for Marvel to understand that fans aren't please with them try to replace Peter, regardless how much they think they can make out of "good publicity" of having a black Spider-Man.

    I can bet you that Marvel would have the RESPECT and the PUBLICITY if they hired black up and coming writers and artists to give this character his own pathos much more than doing a paintjob on Ultimate Peter Parker.

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