I'm Gary. I live in Victoria, British Columbia (Canada). I joined these forums in 2004 a few months after the Great Crash that wiped everyone's accounts. It happened by accident that time. I was big into Thor, X-Men and New Mutants back in the 80's, but I got disgusted by Mega Crossover Marketing Events and stopped buying comics. A friend loaned my wife and me a bunch of Hellboy comics in the early 2000s and I got back into comics again. I don't buy a lot of titles by I love all things that Mike Mignola makes and I buy Hellboy, B.P.R.D., Abe Sapien, Witchfinder and Baltimore. I also buy Mouse Guard, which is created by my friend David Petersen. My wife and I were very involved with the Hellboy forum and made a lot of good friends there. We also enjoyed the chat function that there used to be here and got to know some of the regulars from the Community forum there. My wife (morna) was really into posting on the Rita's threads but she eventually lost interest and doesn't come around here no more. I don't post nearly as much as I used to either, but I still drop by regularly. I have learned much about politics and religion (seriously!) through discussion here. Two great threads from yesteryear were Ask an Atheist and Ask a Jew. I also get drawn into any discussion about guns and gun rights (I am not a fan of guns). My connection with a bunch of people on the Hellboy forum was strengthened when a bunch of us travelled to Comic Con in 2005. It was a great experience to meet friends we made here face to face. Since then we have had several Hellboarders visit us here in BC and we have visited Hellboarders in California, Oregon, Alberta and Michigan. I have also met a bunch of posters from the Community forum, usually gathered around the bar that howyadoin has in his living room in Vancouver. I'm sure that this forum will continue to be a great place to meet interesting people and engage in some awesome banter and dialogue.