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  1. #46
    Writer/Editor/Superhero Marc Lombardi's Avatar
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    May 2014


    I'm Marc. I'm over 40 (just barely) but act much younger. Been a comic fan off and on since I was 13.

    I'm the promotions & social media coordinator for Shadowline Comics (Image). Have been doing that for a number of years. You may see my name in some of the books under Promotions or Communications but really it just means I run the website and tweet a lot.

    I've also been an Editor with GrayHaven Comics for a couple years now, handle some of the production on the books, help out as a Talent Acquisition coordinator and have written a number of stories in the various anthologies that GrayHaven has published -- including one in the anti-bullying graphic novel YOU ARE NOT ALONE (a high point in my comic career).

    I'm a big supporter of many of Image's books. I haven't read anything from DC in a while (not including Vertigo). Been slowly getting into some Marvel titles. But for the most part I'm an Image & indie comic freak.

    I'm married, live in Eastern PA just outside of Philly and have four cats (and a foster cat). My wife and I do cat rescue/rehabilitation/rehoming. I'm also part of a local community council that coordinates a Short Film Festival and a Pet Fair every year.
    Writer / Editor / Production / Talent Acquisition -
    Promotions/Social Media -
    Twitter - @marclombardi

  2. #47
    Fantastic Member 50yearoldNovafan's Avatar
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by dupont2005 View Post
    I'm Brandon, 33, from Palm Springs, Ca. Or a bit east of there anyway. I started reading comics very young, I learned to read with comics, and before that just traced the drawings inside, and flipped through them over and over. I grew up on bargain bin comics, so a lot of the weird 80's black and white stuff, which I still love to this day. Not big on super heroes at all. I quit reading comics in the early 90's when I was about 12. At age 28 I decided to sell off my old comics and dug them up. As I was going through them I decided I still liked them, so I read them, and bought more. Before I knew it I was here and my collection was bigger than ever. The appeal seems to be wearing off on me at this point. I've sold a huge chunk of my collection again, and have reduced my spending to about $150 a year. I don't read comics as often as I used to, even though there's so much cool stuff I'll never get to read even a fraction of everything I'd like to read. I'm sure the appeal will come back, I still like the boards.
    Come on, tell the truth, you are from 29 Palms. I sent you a private message.

    Any way, I am Jimmy, from California. I have been reading comics since I was a child. My father used to leave Archie, Hot Stuff, and a variety of Marvel and DC comics around the house when I was a kid. I read comics from Marvel (primarily), Image, IDW, and some DC. You can probably guess who my favorite hero is. I have numerous statues, but my favorite, by far is the Annihilation Nova statue. Never thought I would see the day someone would make a statue of Nova, let alone several Nova statues.
    Last edited by 50yearoldNovafan; 05-01-2014 at 11:30 AM.

  3. #48
    E-Liter3K Scoped Headshot The MunchKING's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Munch, Capital of So Asbena


    Quote Originally Posted by Mormel View Post
    In the wake of the fresh new start we've gotten, here's a thread in which posters, both old as well as new, can introduce yourselves. Tell a little bit about yourself, what comics you read, how you found out about CBR, your hobbies, favourite music/movies, what you do for a living, etc. etc. No set format in what you want to say about yourself, so you can be as long or as short about it as you wish. Oh, and if you had another user name before the reboot, maybe let us know who you were on the 'old' CBR.

    I AM THE MUNCHKING! King of Munch, Emperor of So Asbena, Duke of StoVokor...


    Oh, alright. Comics, I've liked Young Justice and Impulse, but recently I've been reading Negima! and Dragon Ball, and magna like that. I've been at CBR since the Electric Ferret days. I'm pretty sure I found it as a link from WWWF. I mostly like video games, especially Final Fantasys and Nippon Ichi's strategy RPGs. I hang out mostly on the Rumbles Board here, but with the denying the Rubles board to have a chat thread, I guess I will be staying at Downtown Kahzan a lot too.

    I leave you with this final thought. It is good to be the king!
    The MunchKING is Back! And he is AWSOME!

  4. #49
    Amazing Member Shade's Avatar
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    John, 44 from Virginia. Been reading comics since my big brother would give them to me to shut me up back in the late 70's. Been posting here since the Kingdom Come board days. Served as moderator for a short while back in the days of the Green Lantern and Flash boards, and again when the two were merged. Posted sporadically over the years but mainly lurked and read to see what was going on in various topics around the boards. Don't read to many comics now due mainly to budget restraint but pick up few from DC, Marvel and some Indie stuff.

  5. #50
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    Old School


    Rollin, from a small southern town. Was given a comic to read at age 8..have been reading them since. I proudly remember playing Battletech, D&D and other rpg games. I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder, but im trying to get rid of it. As well as my Troll tendencies. Because I love the medium, and comic fandom. And I would rather contribute to its celebration than be negative and bring it down.

  6. #51
    All-New Member
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    Liverpool UK


    Hi, I'm from Liverpool England I'm 29 years old and I just love Marvel, although I do enjoy reading/watching the odd DC thing every now and then (I am an 'Arrow' fan and I'm looking forward to the new 'Flash' series).

    My top characters in Marvel are Captain America, Sharon Carter (in her more cheery 1960s-1970s version) Sue Storm/Richards, Sin, Namor, Spider Man, Thor, Lady Sif, Prof X and Magneto.

    Although I mostly prefer the old school Marvel Comics (due to the fact that most of my graphic novels are of the old stuff) I do also enjoy some of the more recent stuff collected in 'The Ultimate Graphic Novels Collection' and the 'Marvel's Mightiest Heroes' part works.

    Needless to say as I'm a Cap fan I have read and very much enjoyed the Ed Burbaker run.

    I'm also something of a long term 'Doctor Who' fan as I have enjoyed watching the program since 1997 (as reruns) and also the current version (plus spin offs) and I'm also a casual 'Star Trek' and 'Star Wars' Fan.


  7. #52


    My names Rob and I used to post on CBR until around when YABS was shut down. I still lurked a bit but didn't post for years. While I'll still mostly lurk do expect me to post more often from now on (still just only once in a while though).
    Originally Registered to old CBR March 2008. Old post count was 3,216.

  8. #53


    I am a sword for hire, hailing from the lost lands it. I lost them - my lands that is. My heritage, it seems, will forever elude the grasp of my slowly eroding, memory.

    The quest for my lost home often brings me to the texts of what you people refer to as 'comic books'. It is my hope that perusing these ancient and revered scripts that I will somehow stumble upon hints of my home. It is my only hope - it is my last chance to once again find, and be with, my peoples.

    Also... I like grilled cheese sandwiches.



  9. #54
    Fun-Eating Devil The Beast Of Yucca Flats's Avatar
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    Raleigh, NC


    Hi, I'll start with the CBR shite: I joined up back around the last hard-reboot in '04. I began mainly at YABS, but drifted over to Comm a few years later.

    As for other stuff: I'm Neil, a 31-year old single Aspie living with (some of) his wacky kinfolk in Raleigh, NC.

  10. #55
    Reboot v3 Shady Jack's Avatar
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    What's on the hap, Shady Jack here. Late 30's and I like it so have decided to stop there. First joined CBR way back in 2000 or so, haven't posted much in the last 7 or 8 years.

    Originally signed up because I love superhero comics & still do. Other interests include homebrewing, cooking/bbq, tabletop rpgs & wargaming, movies, Stephen King, HP Lovecraft, baseball, football, southern & classic rock, the 80's, American history, videogames, pro-canninibis activism, and hiking/camping.

    Things I hate include condescension, sneering, the 90's, bear attacks, people who talk religion/politics at me without my consent, wasp stings, and miserable Tennessee summers.

    Thanks for reading! I look forward to typing at you.

  11. #56


    HI! I'm Lela Gwenn.

    I'm a nerd.

    I've written some stories for GrayHaven Comics and I've kickstarted a comic called Born Dark which is pretty awesome.

    Um other stuff & stuff.

    Oh I write for Women Write about Comics, also!

  12. #57
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Hi, I'm Michael from currently living and working in London, UK as an Employment Consultant. I'm in my late 30's and have been reading comicbooks since the age of five. As far as comics go, I read practicaly anything that catches my attention from Archie to Marvel and 2000AD.

    As long as the book's entertaining and doesn't insult my sensibilities I'm open to checking it out.

    Currently, I'm really enjoying what Al Ewing, Jonathan Hickman and Nick Spencer are doing with the respective Avengers books they're responsible for and I enjoyed what Dan Slott did with Superior Spiderman storyline.

    Most of the characters I'm partial to tend to be quite leftfield and off of the beaten path so it should come as no suprise to anyone that I'm an Adam Warlock fan with Jim Starlin circa 1970's being my all time favourite Writer/Illustrator.

    Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu, Blade and T'Challa the Black Panther have always been characters close to my heart but in recent times I've also grown to love the entire Mighty Avengers roster and Queen Shuri. (T'Challa's sister)

    I've always had a major interest in Norse mythology so Thor Odinson is definitely another one of my favoured characters.

    Outside of comicbooks, I'm an avid reader of all things Sci-Fi and fantasy based and tend to dabble in script writing in addition to photography.

  13. #58
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    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by 50yearoldNovafan View Post
    Come on, tell the truth, you are from 29 Palms.
    Coachella actually

  14. #59
    Incredible Member Michael24's Avatar
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    Central California


    My name is Michael, I'm 35 and I'm from California. I joined the previous CBS forum in September 2010, but just lurked and did start posting until 2012.

    My very first comic book (at least, the earliest one I can remember) was Archie Comics' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #1. I had some assorted other comics here and there, but didn't become a regular comic reader until 1991, when I was 12. I picked up a Spider-Man comic at the grocery store, and it was The Amazing Spider-Man #361. The first appearance of Carnage. With the cliffhanger ending, I had to seek out the next issue. About the same time, a brand new comic shop opened nearby. I went there in search of #362, and that was the start of my comic fandom.

    I read comics religiously for the next few years, following the likes of Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, X-Men, the Fantastic Four and more. I also enjoyed the beginning of Image Comics, although at the time (I was only 13) I wasn't aware of the significance of this new company being made up of former Marvel artists. Of their launch titles, I immediately took to Spawn and ShadowHawk. They felt special to me because, while the others had been my parents' heroes, Spawn and ShadowHawk felt like "mine," since they were brand new and I was seeing them from the very beginning. It was all very exciting, and Spawn in particular blew my mind with its darkness and violence. At that point, it was unlike anything I'd seen in comics before. I get a real nostalgic kick whenever I revisit those early issues.

    By 1995, though, I had dropped out of comics. I was in my sophomore year of high school, life was getting hectic, and I was becoming interested in other things, namely filmmaking. And girls. Haha! Plus, comics were just getting too expensive and convoluted for me to keep up with, so I made the painful decision to just walk away. Afterward, I went for nearly ten years without reading a new comic, but enjoyed digging out my old ones to re-read from time to time.

    By chance, even with being away from comics so long, I attended my very first San Diego ComicCon in 2004. It was there I learned that ShadowHawk was coming back, and following that new series, I could feel the bug starting to bite again. A chance visit to the LCS where I live now in 2012 alerted me to the impending Avengers vs. X-Men storyline. I thought it sounded like fun and decided to check it out, and since then I've been back into comics full time and following a number of series.

    (Hope that wasn't too boring of an introduction. Turned out longer than I expected it to.)
    Last edited by Michael24; 05-01-2014 at 12:46 PM.
    My Blog | Tumblr
    * Original Join Date: September 2010

  15. #60
    Aw, coffee. Hawkguy's Avatar
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    May 2014


    Hey all

    Was a user on the previous fourms, bit quiet though. New user name, based on my favourite comic series!

    I'm quite a new reader, having started with Fear Itself and Wolverine and The X-Men in 2011. I gave up on that around issue 15, due to the AvsX tie in which I had no interest in whatsoever. Around then I picked up the first two issues of Hawkeye and loved it.

    The first 9 issues were golden. Great stuff, sadly I think the series has lost its way, as of late.

    I also read Young Avengers which is probably the best series I've ever read and I'm likely to join Gillen and Mckelvie again on their new series from Image.

    Hope to see you all around!
    You've never seen Judge Dredd and THE LAW at the same time. Just saying.

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