With Secret Wars behind us (oh no, wait…it’s not behind us because of some unexplained delays), it’s time to discover the All-New, All-Different Marvel Universe! This week saw the start of eight new titles but I believe that Invincible Iron Man #1 was the standout best issue, earning my “Book of the Week” stamp of approval.

This review contains no spoilers.

Story and Writing

The first thing you’ll notice about all of the books from this week is that they make no reference to the catalyst of this new world – Secret Wars. The status quo is already established and we jump right into a world where multiple factions of the Avengers team exist, comprised of all of our favorite characters with some exhibiting slight alterations from the pre-Battleworld continuity. Invincible Iron Man is no exception and opens to a world that has already accepted Tony Stark as a hero. I immediately noticed that this book doesn’t feel like the old Marvel Universe; it’s edgier, self-aware, and more emotional without being sappy. I like it.

The good folks at Marvel chose Brian Michael Bendis to craft this new Iron Man series. Being that this prolific writer is one of the heroes that shaped the Marvel Universe into what we knew and loved, he is the natural choice for the role. Tony Stark has always been the man of the future, so far ahead of the curve that no one else can even see the curve. Now, though, technology has caught up to his advancements and the world is no longer excited by a metal superhero, the worst nightmare for an egotistical billionaire inventor. So naturally, Tony needs to be noticed again and this story arc seems to be his journey to invent something worth noticing. But this isn’t all that clear yet as the story is still in its early stages, only hinting at what’s to come. This issue only introduces the elements of the story but doesn’t give any direction yet, which would be boring if written by most authors but Bendis knows exactly how keep a steady pace while putting puzzle pieces into place.

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